
Um, is she really highly educated? I honestly don't know...but I DO know that she's a legendary victim blamer.

HOLY SHIT. Cannot unsee.

When I worked at a local animal shelter, we would lay all the cats and puppies on a sheet post-surgery. Then we had our clinic dog comfort them when they woke up - it was awesome! He would come around and nose at anyone who seemed agitated. It really seemed to help with the cats/dogs coming out of anesthesia, before

Followed, just for this little gem :)

True. There was no big 'unveiling', like last month's event with Zellweger. It would make an US Weekly cover story a lot less interesting.

Yeah, she was beautiful then and she's beautiful now...but she doesn't really look the same. It's interesting how she's avoided so much of the scrutiny that Renee Zellweger has gotten. Maybe because her transformation has been gradual and her younger stage was overseas?

They're both Australian - I think the world of famous Australian celebrities is pretty small.

Bite your tongue! He's very tall and is just being polite, bending over to talk to Jay and Bey...right??

I personally hope she enjoys some time off so she can be my new best friend, but that's just me...

Is the one in red wearing a Baywatch bathing suit with a lifeguard whistle??

Yep, I've seen plenty of people fat-shaming him and saying poor lifestyle choices caused his death. Repulsive. Obviously, it was fast food that killed him, not the illegal chokehold. <eye roll>

Unfortunately, that message didn't reach the crazies on the Fox News Facebook page. I ventured over there to see what the right wing was thinking - big mistake. Huge. Racism is alive and well.

I just read a huge longitudinal, cross-sectional research study that contradicts this - it showed that personality is more of a construct and we do change over time, particularly in agreeability and conscientiousness. Just goes to show that research is always contradicting itself.

I was honestly more concerned that Meredith Viera wears leotards instead of underwear. How in the world is that more comfortable?

And it was rose! That's vacation wine. That's breakfast wine.

My first husband and I danced to Al Green's 'Let's Stay Together'. We are now divorced. I love this story :)

Much less an airline! I had the same reaction. She was doing her job. She may have even been doing a terrible job, but that still doesn't give him an excuse to publicly threaten her.

I had the same thought...until I got to the 'covered in feces' part.

I think this might be a language issue - principally being used in this case to mean 'mostly' instead of 'in principle'. Your statement makes total sense if it's the former, but I can see where it's confusing if it's the latter.

'Mother, May I Sleep With Danger?' is an epic masterpiece of cheese...