I was thinking the same thing. Not one of his fellow Cosby Show cast members have said a word, not even a 'wait until the facts come out' bland non-statement. Just radio silence. I think that's pretty telling.
I was thinking the same thing. Not one of his fellow Cosby Show cast members have said a word, not even a 'wait until the facts come out' bland non-statement. Just radio silence. I think that's pretty telling.
I will never complain about the heat again...
Oh, we're totally in for a 'Daddy wanted a boy' monologue.
This goes for airplanes, too! When you're boarding a flight, hold your purse/bag in front of you. DO NOT sling it over your shoulder and casually bounce it off of everyone's head as you walk down the aisle. I'm always baffled - can't these people feel their bags bouncing around? Don't they realize they are actually…
What do people do with their dogs in weather like this? We have 4 and they would lose their minds - no playing the backyard, no walks. How do you deal with the crazy dog energy and the poop??
Good point. Heigl didn't act particularly gracious (although, come on - GHOST SEX), but it's not like she physically assaulted a fellow cast member and used homophobic slurs. It's a little over the top for Rhimes to use Heigl as the asshole example.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing. I definitely gave your initial comment a side-eye, but changed my opinion after reading your comments. Personally, I wouldn't like being called a cow, but that's because it's not common in my friend groups' jargon. We're much more likely to just call each other 'bitch' :)
That's interesting. I'm from the south and have never heard it used commonly as a slang term. I read it as 'cow', which seemed like an insult, but not a particularly loaded one.
How exactly would you word her statement? Those are exactly the terms used to define types of models and clothing.
So what if it does?? It doesn't make her less of a real woman.
Why exactly was it wrong? Don't give me the 'against the law' reason, tell me exactly who he hurt. I assume he had a job and paid taxes and was a productive member of society...so why do you criticize him? There are lots of laws that we ignore (sodomy, for example). Why do you think this decision was wrong?
The local news covered this and even the newscasters were baffled. It was kind of awesome as they tried to remain professional.
I refuse to believe he's not gay! You're telling me he's a random straight guy who just follows her around as her 'bestie'?? And all of her assorted husbands are okay with him being in dressing rooms, etc.?
I like to think she had one of those giant hairballs removed - a bezoar - from her stomach.
Oh, no. That's really, legitimately sad. Those poor kids. Now that the money is going to run out, I hope that TLC will at least set up some form of trust for them.
I agree. She's a small child who is not in a healthy environment, psychological or physical. What's sad is that they became 'famous' in part due to the redneck aspect of their life, which just encouraged them to play it up for the cameras. No one wanted to see Honey Boo Boo learning about vegetables and a heart…
Me too! It's nice to see a change from 'duck face'.
But that's the thing. You don't know anything about me or my health - or anything about these models. You just can't make assumptions about people based on their appearance. Look at Brittany Maynard, the late face of Compassion and Choice. She was incredibly healthy, thin, athletic, right up until she was diagnosed…
Dude, you can't have it both ways. You started this thread criticizing fat women, and now you're criticizing a thin woman for not living a perfectly healthy life. What is your definition of healthy? It's obviously not enough to just be thin, but we have to eat exactly right and exercise exactly right. Do we have to…