Wrong Wheel Drive (41%)

That guy... I either want to hang out with him or avoid him entirely and I’m not sure which.

Because if you’re not familiar with a road you’ll want to wait to pass on a dashed yellow line as this means you will have enough time to pass while seeing potential oncoming traffic. If you pass on a double yellow it may not be safe (you can use your brain to figure out if you can see far enough), but people who

I still can’t believe you guys chose Newark. I’m sure you’ll be fine but still:

That part is a tad complicated. The donut is typically smaller in diameter than a regular tire, so having a small tire with a larger tire means that your differential is having to work overtime, and it will eventually get hot, start breaking down its lubricant, and eat itself to death. So the 50mph/70 mile limit isn’t

Luggage rack and roll bar.


Car confession- for some strange reason, part of me just loves it when I get behind the wheel of a car, and within the first 2 mins of driving it, I can tell that I just fucking hate everything about it. It’s just, kinda great to hate shitty vehicles.

Now playing

Most people underestimate just how quickly a firestorm can travel. This video is in normal time, not sped up (see timestamp in lower left corner).

Sometimes I configure a car online and wish I could just hit “send,” “pay now,” and receive it at my doorstep in 2 days without having to even deal with salespeople.

Another issue. In a merge a-holes will just keep cutting off self-driving cars because they won’t be programmed to block, but to avoid. So the lane will essentially stop as the autonomous vehicle remains motionless and is cut off repeatedly by the never-ending stream of me-first entitlementbois.

Good point, but we can make a pretty quick and easy calculation. For ease, let’s say the Miata has the exact same drag (coefficient and frontal area of the Agera), although in reality it’s probably a bit less. We’ll go with NA, since it’s the lightest, and estimate 1000kg.

Yes you could. Assume no air resistance (it is common knowledge that the Miata has a drag coefficient of zero). If you dropped it from an altitude of 632 meters, it would accelerate to 249 mph (~111 m/s) in 11.35s before instantaneously decelerating back to 0. Just make sure it doesn’t hit the timing gate at the end,

Add some fletching to ensure it stays nose down, and yes, you would beat this time.

You’d certainly have a brak... um... deceleration advantage.

Wait reading into this game it bases you out of SF? Who the hell thinks they can live out of SF doing Uber?

There’s one for everything.


Did they let a Miata on the track with no roll bar?

Lean has nothing to do with general orders vs. custom orders. Lean is an approach to improve the manufacturing process, with the given demand signals. Toyota not building a custom order simplifies the manufacturing process, but that is a choice by Toyota management to not respond to 100% of their customer demand

Ding ding ding. You don’t realize the power of the Dealer associations until you try to change things. Example: Manufacturers don’t sell cars to people. They sell to dealerships.—-Now think how big the manufacturers are; how much the companies are worth. Look at other huge industries and companies. How many of those