Wrong Wheel Drive (41%)

Carvana is the first step. Now we just need one for new cars.

Here is perhaps the most sobering thought about car sales as a career: everyone in the profession can be replaced by a well-crafted web interface.

Reminds me of this.

All I got from this is that we need more fun colored cars.

Current-last comparos are sadly lacking from standard auto journalism. Would be a great thing for Jalopnik to pull off that magazines can’t/won’t.

And a recent follow-up with a base model Versa CVT:

I bought my Bluestone Metallic 2004 with 43,000 miles

I’m confused: you couldn’t stop as soon as you saw it was a rutted, wet, bottoming out dirt road? Who were you pissed at, the map or yourself?

I used Google maps and it took me down a rutted, wet, bottoming out dirt road, that just cut off about 1/3 of a mile on my trip, I couldn’t have been more pissed. I was driving a 2016 Camaro SS that I just spent an hour cleaning.

I wish there was one to only use dirt roads.

I took six(ish) hour drive from Rochester NY to Boston to visit a friend. I had never been there. This was a long time ago and I was using a TomTom unit. It guides my beautifully to Boston, tells me to enter a tunnel under Boston and then boom - nothing. I exit the tunnel to try to regain service and - nothing. It

I bought a GPS at a yard sale two years ago. It was the same model as the one that I already used which is outdated as hell, but I got it for $5 so I couldn’t complain.

Last summer I was going to look at a parts car in VT. Waaaaaay in the woods. Dirt road after dirt road. It was a great drive and surprisingly the GPS

I wish navs had a programming option to just avoid dirt roads no matter what. There probably already is one that does it but I’m not sure.

OTOH: Do NOT use track tires on the road!

There are enough miatas around that there are sub-sets of owners - spec racers, 50-something convertible types, etc. Go ahead and say something bad about mine, I won’t care. They have a great fun/dollar ratio, and look quite decent.

I think the people who actually race miatas generally are more realistic about their cars, sort of like LS guys who can admit when they’ve been beat by a Ford.

Corvette owners. Ever see them at. Vette meets? They have Corvette hats, polo shirts, jackets, and even extra Corvette logo stickers on their Corvette. Their wives are decked out in Corvette attire. The only car that exists in their world is a Corvette. They roll in packs to IMSA races, and only swarm the Corvettes