David Ruddock

Just wait until senility kicks in and then you can buy him whatever you want.

That’s not really any better.


i think they used too many video effects on the footage in what i think was a fear of the audience loosing interest. part of the greatness of the old show was the lack of such effects and how they put more effort into the composure of the shots.

anyone who thinks this car is ugly needs to take a good hard look at the market right now. mazda is killing the design game right now.

Look, if we’re going to use a war in the Middle East to distract us from the failing public policy and lack of improvements for the working class back home, we’re going to have to do it the same way we did last time. That’s just logic.

Disclaimer: I’ve only played Horizon 1 & 2

When I replaced my 44 HP ‘66 Beetle with a 60 HP ‘67 SAAB Monte Carlo. I was like “Whoa Nellie!”

I’ve got $100 that this car will never exist with graphene supercapacitors.

Filed to: Inline Sexy!

This sounds like Clarkson got tired of being told “you can’t do that because lawsuit” and decided to just go over the top with it to make the BBC look pedantic and envious.

Eh, I think calling beautiful scenery “beautiful” is pretty nit-picky too if the BBC decided to go after them for that. That sounds more like a gag than legit legal concerns. It honestly reminds me of the US road trip episode where they claimed they weren’t allowed to be humorous “lest Bruce Willis will come in a

LOL, good effort squirt. Junior high let out early on Friday?

That Speedster underlines how beautiful the ND’s profile is. Those haunches.

kill it with fire

Foe Buckin’ Jiden

Juckin’ Boe Fiden!

Joe Biden Fuckin’

Joe Fuckin’ Biden