
My suggestion? That “economic insecurity” and “identity politics” aren’t mutually exclusive. It’s not an either/or thing.

I’m talking about (and quoting) the specific things you said. That’s intellectually rigorous. Your feelings about what someone else said, which don’t appear to have much basis in what they actually said, don’t seem terribly relevant by contrast.

“Economically anxious” Germans elevated Hitler to power too. Go bleed your heart for them, if you wish.

By, uh, pushing an agenda of actually working against the economic horror that has been perpetrated on lower-income people in this country. Like I said. There you go again, arguing that helping poor people somehow does “harm to marginalized people”.

It’s hilarious how economic anxiety is only a thing when it’s felt by white men, and can be used to explain every social horror that white men and women support: sexism, racism, homophobia, etc.

These are women who voted for an open misogynist. What are liberals going to offer them?

I know this isn’t directed at me... but if you honestly want some feedback:

Elsewhere in this thread I explained that I never said they should deprioritize any issues but be more focused on a few of them in order to return to power so they CAN set their agenda. They will never win back power if we continue to allow perfect be the enemy of good enough.

Why jump straight to “prioritizing white dudes?” Why not focus on women’s issues that will draw the women who voted for Trump? The popular vote gap was geographically focused which is why Hillary lost the EC vote. Why not focus on Red State women? They are more of an issue than retrogressive white dudes.

They have to win power to drive agendas. They can do nothing if they stay in the minority. Like the old saying, “if you find yourself in a hole the first thing to do is stop digging.”

If the Left doesn’t win, we never focus on issues that effect LBGTQ and specifically women. I don’t know how else to say that.

Bingo. Whenever I see people blocking traffic, I think about the pregnant woman on her way to the hospital, or the child who’s just had a terrible accident and is at risk of dying if he/she doesn’t reach the hospital on time.

“Stacy Soccermom is going to be late picking up little Braden and Kayla.”

OK, but is it worth alienating someone who may be neutral or sympathetic to your cause?

I understand the message and agree with it but I dont approve of the tactic of blocking traffic to protest.


I have a cat named Lady Gaga. She has to wear pajamas because of her over grooming. You can feel bad for her. And also think she is adorable.

Maybe, but I think it’s more likely that people are fed up because the show just cannot seem to be consistenly interesting. That’s part of why I stopped watching after last season. The Glenn dumpster fiasco was the tipping point for me, it was lazy writing, and a cheap gimmick cliff-hanger for the midseason finale.

I haven’t struggled with drug addiction, but a friend of mine came into a large amount of money, and then proceeded to party it all away in a couple of months time, doing way too many drugs. I didn’t see her during that time, and was absolutely shocked when I saw the result. She went from being literally the smartest

In my experience that is perfectly normal and improves over time. Until you start getting older and can’t remember shit. That’s just part of getting old, I think.