We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.
We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.
IMO the Democrats got crushed for several reasons:
Being pregnant and married to Ashton is what she is known for to people who have forgotten about her only two successful projects.
Well aren’t you judgy.
There’s a mall nearby me that has large family rooms, with changing stations, couches, sinks, washrooms, plus women-only areas for nursing if the woman desires that. As a man, I am able to go into the main family room to change my son.
So in other words they read the most popular mommy bloggers and mommy forums and copied the subject matter they saw there.
The odds of a younger parents kicking the bucket is a lot smaller than the odds of parents in their fucking 70s kicking it.
What I do know is that they will kick the bucket way before this child reaches adulthood. Instead of considering the happiness and future of their potential offspring, they said “Fuck it!” and decided their happiness is more important than that of their child.
If there’s one thing that a good parent has to be, it’s selfless. For this couple to have a child at their ages is anything but selfless.
But it's not even hand holding. I'm 30 and I'm terrified of losing my parents! I think it's unfair to put that stress on a child who will KNOW his parents are much, much, older than other parents. Just because adults don't need their parents for basic survival doesn't make losing a parent easy.
There’s a pretty big difference between giving birth and getting an erection.
I don’t think that’s an equivalent comparison. Men and women can have and enjoy sex for decades after age 60. Sex doesn’t only happen for the sole purpose of recreation.
WARNING: Controversial opinion follows. As a young woman who doesn’t want kids, I honestly have no feelings either way about where women go to pump. I do, however, wish I didn’t always have to fucking hear about it. For example, until recently I worked with a new mom who couldn’t get through a single goddamn day…
lol especially considering they have a room specifically dedicated to giving away free shit, several offices, green rooms, changing rooms, makeup rooms...I reckon they can accommodate if they wanted...
I swear it’s the best.
My commute was just over an hour, and it was awesome. Most of the pumps-(including the Pump-In-Style by medela that’s pretty popular that I had) have a AC/DC adapter to work in the car.
I’d hook up, using a hands free pumping bra, put a blanket or a nursing cover so the truckers didn’t get an…
When my wife breast-fed our kids, she needed a lot of privacy with our first, was way more relaxed with our second (a better eater so that may have helped) and would tandem our twins whenever it was necessary. But I don’t think she ever pumped other than in privacy (she would around me but I can’t remember her doing…
EVERY HOUR?! As if I’m not already anxious enough about having a baby mid-semester, now I’m trying to imagine how I will pump and teach a three-hour-long once-a-week seminar.
Thanks for the encouragement! I commiserate with you for having two! Still, when she goes away to college, I’ll have to restrain myself from moving to whatever town her school is in. FWIW, when she was a baby, my precious one could sleep through an atom bomb blast. We’d take her to crowded restaurants all the time,…
It's got to be hard for you. I'm not being sarcastic at all. I know I'm guilty of this ... I like babies at a arm's distance ... but I want them cute and quiet ... ALWAYS. I know that's not realistic. I know kids have their bad moments ... they get frustrated and can't express it. I know they get loud when…
I can't speak to the morning sickness example, but the vaccination thing and the breastfeeding thing are NOT equivalent in any way, and to imply they are is patently absurd. A mother choosing to breastfeed or not affects you and your kids in exactly zero ways. Parents who do not vaccinate are putting everyone else's…