My Senator, Dick Durbin of IL, openly supports PIPA. His website happens to be down today.
My Senator, Dick Durbin of IL, openly supports PIPA. His website happens to be down today.
You dont work for the RIAA.
Wow, what a totally ignorant statement made by you.
I drink a ton, and I've been told I look about 10 years younger than what I actually am. :)
Hey jerkface, I'm getting an iPhone 4s to replace my iPhone 3G (2008). Your attempt at logic is full of fail.
I never stretch before weightlifting and I'm fine. Perhaps its mind over matter.
I run a little over 4 miles Monday to Thursday. I never stretch. I'd rather spend the time with my workout then back to productivity afterwards. I never stretch before football practice either. My body is perfectly fine.
Launch ONE GOOD ONE. Make money, remain relevant.
You know, you can buy gaming controllers with fans already inside. Is it worth all the trouble when you can just buy one? []
According to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, funnyjunk isn't responsible for what users upload. But once they get served a cease and desist, funnyjunk is responsible for taking the infringing work down and enforcing the cease and desist.... if I recall my Ethics in Computing class correctly.
Aaron Rodgers quit against the Patriots. By their definition, he QUIT.
You honestly think any detailed secrets behind what could be the most famous raid in recent history would be kept secret forever??
For a juggernaut video game franchise. It's a fairly big deal every year.
This Senator must be pro-abortion, because his twittering is nothing but one.
Buffalo Bills uniforms were leaked... and nothing of value was lost.
Software that updates itself then demands that Windows restart — requiring the user to manually delay an auto restart. I need to use my computer, I should decide when it should restart.
Dear EA, please make a version of Madden for PC.
What Apple made a profit on at the time was selling software along with the hardware. Licensing clones ate away at Apple's profit margin. Also, Apple operates on a high level of quality of control for their users... which was relinquished with the Mac clone program. IMHO the program was a disaster for Apple and did…