Another massive computing failure were the Macintosh Clones. Apple sold out the Macintosh brand to become more PC-like in the mid 90s.
Another massive computing failure were the Macintosh Clones. Apple sold out the Macintosh brand to become more PC-like in the mid 90s.
Yeah, I don't think too many other publications would consider the G4 cube one of the biggest failures ever. The G4 cube was even put on display a work of art by the NY MoMA.
I prefer my opium in binary form.
What about the underpowered (for a Mac of its time) Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh? It cost $9000... but an Apple tech will go to your house and set it up for you!!
Another good reason for jailbreaking your iPhone. I have a Reminder app that does just that; put a notification of a missed call or SMS waiting, as an icon next to the battery indicator up top.
This reminds me of scrappers who would chop up valuable statues in an attempt to sell them for scrap material.
To wake people up like me at 4am. I live up in a high rise and I can hear some people's massive car bass systems from the street below.
Mussels in a garlic white wine sauce is one of my favorite dishes ever. I even eat the ones that don't open. I have never gotten ill from that.
Oh baby she's a keeper.
I have T-Mobile, using a jailbroken iPhone. Despite running on the Edge network, I am quite satisfied with my carrier's service.
I have mixed feelings. I have T-Mobile and am using a 3G Jailbroken iPhone, being forced to use the inherently crappy Edge network. I welcome the option of getting new iPhone under my current account. However I am reading lots of horror stories about AT&T. Having been a customer for 8 years, and am in a post-contract…
But this survey is specifically asking T-mobile customers.
My Kindle lasts a month on one charge, and I can switch up amongst several books in order to freshen up my interest. Also, I read books for the information and experience instead of any tactic feel.
I just had a nerdgasm listening to the technical details.
People still watch Leno? Damn!
@gameflyer: Put some attatchable wheels on it and an extendable handle... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
Logitech has some of the best tech support I've ever experienced. Microsoft does make excellent mice though.
You could have said that of any founding father, and is just a blanket statement rather than a statement of Adams. The fact is that John Adams took away many freedoms that the rest of the founding fathers implemented as President. The facts behind this is backed by historians (gasp, ones with PhDs!!!). My conclusion…
You still have yet to prove my first post wrong, nor refuted the facts to support my post.
FYI facts are facts no matter WHO CITES IT, SON.