
So if I get this job, who do I send a thank you check to, Lifehacker?

Yeah, cause when you think CUPS you think feminine hygiene products rather than A DEVICE FOR DRINKING LIQUIDS. Idiot.

Reading this article is what made me so angry.

WTF? Adrian, you know many different brands make K-cup coffee cups. Places like Caribou Coffee and Starbucks. Way to generalize from all K-cups.

120 (Facebook) x 0 (Google+) = 0

A sprinkle of MSG does wonders in my Asian dishes!!

I LOVE my TiVo. My household has three of them. I could see TiVo surviving by making more deals like they have with RCN, supplying Premier boxes as the provider's cable box/DVR.

It would just be from the hibernation sickness.

You overlooked this line in the article; "Microsoft is doing it too, with their information-centric Metro interface."

Wrapping the egg in a plastic wrap then boiling it would work.

Not enough boobs and monkeys dressed in suits for you?

LOL ok mister epitome of good taste and culture.

So you are saying that with this commercial, it was Apple's onset objective to be Big Brother back in 1984? That wasn't the point of this commercial. Let me give you a history lesson.

I replied to the wrong person, above. But basically you make all these assumptions, then at the end you state that you are only 28 years old and you don't know a thing at all. So what kind of authority are you in commercials, when you say that the 1984 ad died right after the one time it was aired?


Back then, "the Man" was IBM. Up until recently, it's been Microsoft. That's still relevant. Despite how "hot" Macs are selling, Windows machines still dominate the market by quite a bit.

"I would love to know where this is widely accepted as the best ad of all time"

"The Budweiser Frogs or Wazzzup commercial achieved far greater notoriety in their time this ever did."

Have you seen other commercials from the 80s? This one is timeless and ahead of its time.

I like the one who blames Wikipedia being down on Obama.