Ron Courtright

Miss Hale chose Abernathy specifically because he was an older model and better suited to smuggling the information she needs out of the park.

Although I agree, this is like arguing over when the millennium ended (hint: there was no year zero but far be it for me to not party like it was 1999). I do not believe that parallel universes are a thing in Westworld, yet folks go on about different timelines.

In a word, yes. As Felix the cat has his magical bag of tricks, Felix the tech has his mad programming skills. Both Sylvester the cat and Sylvester the tech are schemers who cannot help getting into trouble.

Actually the Minotaur was found at the center of a labyrinth. And I believe that all the depictions we have seen of the puzzle structure have been labyrinths and not mazes.

The show is clearly toying with us here. It is not certain but it would not surprise me if William put the young Confederado out of his misery.

Not so fast. Angela was a hostess at the park entrance who was responsible for greeting new arrivals so it would not confirm that the man in black and William are one in the same. (Although it sure is looking that way at this point in the story.)

The irony is that Caleb was blindsided at the end by Ava but Felix understands perfectly Maeve's intentions but behaves like a deer in the headlights.

To be fair, we do not know if Westworld rewards what would be miscreant behavior in the real world with achievements or trophies as video games do. But we do know that kind of behavior is supported.

The rules of Westworld are do as you will and there are no real consequences because it is a fantasy world populated by simulacrums of 19th century America. There are only consequences if you violate the terms of service and somehow, someway find a way to inflict harm upon a real person. This, too, ought to be

And yet it is still a game populated by simulacrums whose purpose is to accept whatever you do. These things are not human. These things are not even alive.

Well, to be fair, Julian is not one of Barry's (or the Flash's) buddies.

Do you mean Howard Hawk's version from the 1950s versus John Carpenter's version from the 1980s? Because the former would serve as a recruitment film for the DEO. "Keep watching the skies!"

That was done on Smallville to good effect.

I cannot speak to the model used, but I owned and used a Sony reel-to-reel tape recorder in 1971. And although it was not high end it was very nice. By the way the logo changed in 1973; the typeface became less dense. The logo has not changed since 1973.

As hideous and appropriate for the period Wyatt's suit was, it was not a leisure suit.

Perhaps Bernard was a human that Ford replaced with a robot. That would solve the legitimate problems you pose.

The Roanoke police have to be the worst police department ever. That said, I suppose that was the role they had to play to satisfy one horror trope and turn another on its head.

The reason why escort missions are the bane of gamers is stupid, dangerous and/or unresponsive AI as the playing character desperately attempts to prod the NPC to a certain goal. (I am looking at you Call of Duty.) In Westworld's case, Dolores may not understand what her goal is but she knows she has one and to

And then there is Teddy. I think he is providing thread continuity between Dolores, William and Logan, and the Man in Black.

I think you have it backwards: the bullets are designed to never harm human beings; however, the hosts are designed to suffer trauma when struck by those same projectiles. From here and other sources one can find fascinating discussions on the nature of so-called simunitions.