
In that price range, options are basically limited to what’s already listed here + eGolf, Focus electric, maybe a Bolt (?), but you’re definitely priced out of Tesla and other brands.

I miss my 2000 Celica GT-S. The cockpit vibes along with the uber-comfortable seats were just perfect for me at the time.

I just watch Captain Slow’s shows and leave Jezza alone to stew in his own juices. James May: Our Man in Japan, Man Lab, his new cooking show Oh Cook! (haven’t seen that one) and Cars of the people have been quite enjoyable.

While a lot of Grand Tour has been bloated I really think that the Mongolia episode (in which they assembled “John” and drove it across the steppe to a town called Moron) was on par with their best TG efforts like Viet Nam.  It had enough bloviating and cocking about to assure you knew it was them but at its heart was

A fucking classic

“We put some tape on it to hold the front together, but it’s pretty rusted out. It doesn’t run that bad. Doesn’t run that good, neither. Wish I had another car, but unfortunately we’re gonna have to go with this.”

Yup! It’s a bus for a right-wing nationalist party. Looks like they’re called Shinbukan? 心武館

Is that Yamamoto on the back of that bus?

It’s one of my favorite cars that I’ve ever driven. Had a chance to rent one for a few days in Japan. I wanted to hide it in my luggage for the flight home.

Look, I’ll be the first to point out that for most of the last 20 years, it was usually a bad faith argument that the mining of the minerals necessary for EV batteries made them worse for the environment over the full vehicle lifespan than the average economy ICE.

Most sales people can’t answer detailed questions about any of their models. I have never been on a lot shopping where I didn’t know vastly more than the sales person about the car I was looking for. These guys/gals float dealer to dealer and rarely stay up on current/detailed product info. They know a few highlights

smart boat :p

This still doesn’t really fill the void for guys looking to dip their toes in to the brand, at least as best as I see it. No one is starting on an Electraglide or Road King, even if the price becomes a bit cheaper (Which doesn’t change the way the used bike market currently is anyways).

You want depressing? I can give you a few spots here in Alabama.

GM engines and transmissions are generally wonderful. It’s the rest of the vehicle that is questionable. Occasionally the engineers pull a fast one on the bean-counters and get a really good car into the wild. Then it’s up to owners to maintain them.

Call me when the Volvo that’s for sale is a 262

I believe the Z never got the Infinitis wacky steering (that was pretty universally panned.)

The connections it had with Red Bull and then Renault never made sense.”