
Until I read this comment I assumed it was called “All Takes Matter”.

I would imagine that that’s the whole point.

Uh she was full of dirty tricks that worked against Bernie?

South Park doesn’t hit on things equally almost ever, unless it’s religion. What they do is point out the ridiculousness on various sides, no matter who it is.

in this situation, they’re specifically parodying the treatment of a young child, one who is not an adult and unlikely to meet the pretty shitty stereotype

Not hate. They exposed the origin stories of Scientology and Mormonism and pointed out flaws in the stories. I don’t think that’s hate. In fact, on the Mormon episode, the Mormon kid commented on how he liked his religion despite the flaws because it gave him a pretty good life. One of the show’s main characters is

Carton gets arrested but this alleged “Ticket Master” is still allowed to roam free?! smdh

“But he engaged in criminal behaviour. He needs more than “I’m sorry.””

Dude. He had a little too much to drink and went into the wrong condo. Pay a fine and be on his way. I bet you love full prisons

Is that seriously your take on this?

1.) Who fucking cares if gender identity “is a thing” or not?

How do you refute a Gender? Simple: I don’t need to. You make the claim, provide sufficient evidence to prove your case. Talking about feelings and genetic mutations isn’t sufficient evidence for the case.

I think he’s confusing “you are not allowed” with “I don’t want to be made to feel ashamed when I express my shameful opinions”.

You’re not too bright.

It’s a shame punches don’t win baseball games.

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They also ram ships and attack the sailors. Regularly. Shit, there was an entire TV show where that was all they did.

Sea Shepard is not radical. They document illegal activity and get perpetrators prosecuted. The title of this story does not match the facts presented. Why that is the case when Japan has for decades scoffed at international agreements to save whales is beyond me.

uh, he’s got a foot and a half of water in his house, pretty sure he’s worried about more than just his cars.

your assignment is to go read the list of deadspin commenters of the year, might i suggest starting in 2012

I’m pretty sure Gawker media is mentioned. Those founding fathers more prescient slave owners.