
apart from the Coon thing

You don’t see why that is statistically unlikely? That you’d be connected to anyone out of 1,400 completely random people in the United States is basically impossible, especially when you factor in the fact that this connection would have only been known to you in the past year.

also born and raised in the south. confederate flag is a pathetic symbol to pathetic people. it’s synonymous with the racism that slavery, and those who fought to preserve it... lost. and then set out to systematically terrorize and murder black people... represent.

it’s not a rebel symbol. unless what you’re

“people need to learn what the Confederate flag really stands for it doesn’t stand for slavery”

At this point I have a really weird relationship with this show. I find it slow, some episodes incredibly unapproachable, and the mythology has been like getting a semester final that exclusively covers the minutiae discussed in asides at the start of the year.

And in terms of subscriber base, the H3H3 couple certainly comes off as a big bully.

“Big bullies?” You’re kidding me right?

They mostly point out absurd channels and call attention to click bait BS.

H3 does a ton of good, and Adam Clark Estes has done a good job of confusing you as to what H3 does.

Embarrassingly terrible comment. I was right, you sound butt-hurt and angry

My thoughts exactly, calling Ethan a bully is fucking insane and means you’ve never watched an H3 video.

Get ready to go to jail. Honestly, unless the other person clearly starts it and it’s caught on tape or in front of credible witnesses, you’re both going to jail. We call it a fight, the law calls it assault.

My point is more that youtubers earn their fans by putting out content people like to watch. H3H3 puts out reaction videos (along with sketches). The idea that, by earning fans through making reaction videos creators can somehow become bullies if their videos get too popular is just asinine.

This is gizmodo. did you expect quality journalism?

Also, do you realize they haven’t raised any money? The gofundme was created by a fan not specifically for h3, but for a lawyer to use with ANY fair use copyright issues that will eventually arise in the future, for ANY content creator on YT.

Wait, are you actually taking Hosses side on this one?

Now is a good time to point out that the couple behind the H3H3 channel aren’t necessarily angels.

So the fact that H3H3 has more fans makes them bullies? Would they be more morally acceptable if they put out a shitty product no one likes?

But I will take her over Sarah Silverman.

Why is her go-to retort always to post a semi-nude photo on her instagram with her diatribes, after she gets called out for being shitty?