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    It's been dead for years, imo. There is a reissue of Popol Vuh's Cobra Verde soundtrack coming out this RSD, though, that's got my interest.

    even though the two candidates politics are almost identical.

    Oooh. I must have stopped before that episode (or zoned out) because I would have had the same reaction. That's pretty crass/gross of him, especially when he was already walking a very fine creep-rope in the first place given the stake-out stuff.

    I stopped listening to Missing Richard Simmons. When everyone is telling you the man wants to be left alone, leave the man alone!

    No. You added a bunch of stuff about Russians at the end, which is what I was responding to.

    I've never really enjoyed her, though I understand her appeal, I guess. She's always been way too condescending and echo-chamber-y for me, though that's most of cable news.

    haha, I forgot about that.

    Not to discount much of what you're saying, but there is one group who has absolutely seen his tax returns: the IRS. Since no charges seem to have appeared from the information they've seen in them, it stands to reason that there's not really anything nefarious in them.

    You have a nephew named Disney?

    The sequels got a smaller release well after the release of the SNES. They're crazy expensive now.

    I loved that game. Took forever for me to finally beat it. Like someone said below, it was a Hudson Soft game, and it definitely shows as the controls are a little off and the design/gameplay was less than you'd expect from a Capcom game. Still played the hell out of it, though.

    I did the same thing a few years ago with my sister. We used to play all the time when I was a kid, and I was surprised at how fast we blew through the game as adults.

    How bad the new comment system is once you add ?permalink=true to a url
    and are reminded how it was before. Boy is it a stark improvement.

    She's the only reason I checked out this show in the first place. I stopped watching very early on because I didn't enjoy the show, but Claudia is the best.

    From the Twitter bio of ABFoundation:

    His Tom Leykis is hilarious to me, but he can definitely monopolize whatever show he's on. Love him, though.

    I have no idea why you're so worked up here. I showed you that dude's joke because it's yet another instance of someone shitting on a goddamn ten year old and getting a pass. How are you not outraged at that shit? Seriously.

    I also don't see people here nearly as concerned about the ugly
    misogynistic, racist shit said about Chelsea Clinton and the Obama
    girls, which was 100 times worse than this dumb tweet.

    He is unbearable, and I say this as someone who is a far-left liberal who loathes Trump. He's just too much of an obnoxious know-it-all who seems almost gleeful that he has the opportunity to show everyone who smart and enlightened he is.

    I'll be buying this right now. I was going to wait a little, but this write-up changed my mind.