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    He wasn't too bad at first, but by the end, it was just maddening that anyone would follow that guy.

    To borrow liberal words, this is a "safe space" from politics.

    That is the entire problem with stupid liberals, they do not even know what they are talking about.

    - Well, I'm glad we found out Judith's paternal truth five seasons after people stopped giving a shit.

    I was hoping when he got to the big screen something would be done to make him more believable, like they did with the Governor. The TV Governor I could believe people would follow.

    And what on earth does it have to do with what we're talking about?

    I have no idea what you're trying to say here. 'Black' isn't a name. It's a racial identity.

    Because it's a name, and she would like to be called Caitlyn and not Bruce. It's her choice, and since it doesn't (or shouldn't) matter to you one way or the other, why not just honor her very simple request?

    like the world's most boring, manipulative addiction.

    No one who dislikes Clinton is voting for her now

    and it made no fucking difference.

    I'm continually blown away by how much people seem to care about this sort of thing. Who honestly cares, or wants this sort of thing? Isn't leafing through anyone's posting history, tweets, or social media creepy in general and/or potentially stalking? Even if he were a 'legit' celebrity, I still don't understand why

    Not everyone needs a moral spoonfed to them. Plenty of us can see nuanced takes on certain issues and the inherent absurdity of both sides of many issues. Some of us watch South Park just because it's a fun, non-preachy show that skewers everything and lets us get away from the hysterical fighting and real-life

    I must be missing where they're patting themselves on the back for this? Seems like they're just having fun.

    I assumed they were just that much of a trolling asshole, but given that this episode was all about being a trolling asshole, I think the door was open a little? But yes, this guy sucked.

    Are you performing some kind of satire or synergy with the episode's themes here? There's no way you're this much of an asshole.

    This was who I thought. She's been portrayed as unhinged and spurned by Gamby. I'm probably wrong, but I really don't think it's Russell.

    How much hay did you use to construct those strawmen? Never said anything remotely close to this:

    Her attitude towards Gaddafi's death and the potential impacts of it are the definition of cavalier. She laughed and joked about a man being raped and murdered without any apparent foresight as to what that could mean. It's indefensible to me, but OK.

    I don't know how many people listen to it, but I tried 'Last Podcast on the Left' this morning because I generally like watching or listening to serial killer things, but I had to quit after about 15 minutes. It was the Albert Fish episode and I guess I was expecting the podcast to be something other than guys