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    I don't understand how his degree of evil would have anything to do with her laughing at his rape and murder and having a ridiculously cavalier attitude toward something that contributed largely to the destabilization of a nation.

    We need to hear more from people who don't spend much time with Internet culture, because they have more unique points of view.

    I own a gimmicky Seinfeld-opoly. I am not ashamed.

    Sort of surprised by that myself!

    Hijacking this sort-of top comment just to say that Kurt Metzger has been an asshole for a long time. He's harassed women and raged against 'SJWs' a million times on Twitter. Here's a few links (btw, he also readily admits to 'criminally choking' one of his ex-girlfriends):

    No one is going to read this comment, and Dowd is surely forgiven for screwing this up considering the quality of the movie, but this:

    I laughed my ass off to this. I love it.

    Perhaps even in Infinite Jest.

    I thought this happened years ago.

    Seinfeld is mostly remembered by GenX/Yers and I can't be sure how millennials would take to it.

    Love your username.

    There are actually tons of those. Not sure why it deserves mockery?

    Tom's a steamroller.

    I think you're the one who suggested the Quentin Tarantino episode of Bret Easton Ellis' podcast last week (or the week before, can't remember). It was excellent! Thanks. I normally hate BEE, but I occasionally check him out. He's a little to into his own voice and opinions, but him and Quentin seemed pretty in tune

    This is the perfect thread for me to read. I was just about to check out a few episodes of Sword and Scale this season, but after your critiques and @avclub-4d12cb6dbcb4582715ef26b066ff0529:disqus suggestion, I'll probably swing over to Criminal instead.

    I loathe iTunes, so you're not alone. I've run into a few podcasts that seem to have made it purposely difficult to simply download the .mp3 of the episode.

    You're wrong about the generally accepted use of 'deadbeat dad', but in particular, you're wrong about how she used it. She specifically mentions child support. I get not wanting to appear wrong on the internet, but you are.

    I hate Ellis as a writer and hate most of his opinions on things (which I occasionally see via twitter and elsewhere), but his podcast is surprisingly listenable.

    First off, Lindy West talks about her experience calling out Dan Savage
    back in the day where he posted article after article full of fatphobia.

    Festivus in July.