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    I actually came here because I saw this news in my facebook mini-feed and thought, 'better head on over to the AVC to get my fix of Gene Simmons-bashing'. The self-hate is real, folks.

    I really liked this when I saw it randomly on Netflix, but I have to ask this. He says What you don’t see is always scarier than what you do, but you see the villain/home invader in Hush almost immediately and he takes off his mask pretty early on and then he's there for most of the movie. I mean, I get his point that


    That's definitely one of my favorite clips. Every time the announcer says 'helicopterridessss' and they lose it is gold. So many good moments.

    haha, same here! Whether it's a band's show at the merch table or like comiccon or something, I still won't bother anyone for pictures/an autograph. Buy stuff, maybe say 'thank you' in a genuine way, then leave the person the hell alone; that's usually how I do it.

    The gross one that I keep seeing is 'they signed up for this when they became a celebrity!'. It's like, right, they signed up for harassment and stalking when they arbitrarily (and subjectively) passed this nebulous threshold of becoming 'a celebrity'. Or, people could just not be assholes and just leave everyone

    he only did “what every other fan would have done

    That, the 'terlets' thing, and the way he mocks Crystal's pronunciation of 'Lamarrrr Guidry' makes me laugh every time I listen to it.

    Best Show fans! A request: do you have any favorite clips on youtube (or even old episodes on the wfmu archive)? I've been burning through some of my favorite old clips recently after getting back into the show. Some of them are little clips (can we post links here? let's find out), like this Gervais clip, some are

    Just listened to it this morning, there was a weird energy for sure with JLD, but I didn't think it was that bad. They only spent like 2 minutes even discussing Seinfeld (beyond her getting a few Chronicles scripts), which could be a plus or minus depending on how much you've heard her talk about Seinfeld. As a huge

    I don't actually watch this show, but there was the big controversy over the winter about her supposedly stealing jokes and I remember her saying something about taking a lie detector test on her show. Did that ever happen/is it still supposed to this season? Just curious as that sounded like a pretty dumb idea.

    Look at his face. . .that kind of undercurrent of sadness.

    Wait, there were multiple episodes of that thing? Welp, I know what I'm watching tonight.

    I think it's much less about his actual output and more about his attitude. He seems full of himself and comes off like he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. All of the shitty parts of Andy Millman from 'Extras'; that's who Ricky Gervais seemed to turn into.

    Merchant as Darren Lamb in 'Extras' is what made that show for me. Every time he was on screen was hilarity, particularly any scene with Barry.

    His wikipedia lists two weights, 243 and 400. 243 was his weight when he played basketball. I had the same thought, like no way is this guy only 243 pounds and going for World's Strongest Man.

    I totally agree. The only positive to avoiding the show was that I got to shotgun both seasons at once. I couldn't stop watching. Based on the promos, I was prepared to loathe Jimmy, but his balanced quirks, flaws, and silly obsessions made me love him. I can't wait until the next season.

    I'm still pretty annoyed with FXX for making me avoid the first season of You're The Worst. The promo was very off-putting, and the only reason I went back and watched it was the AVClub reviews.

    Not an indictment of this show by any means (even though I've never been a fan), but holy shit does the promo for this season look awful. The Comedy Central marketing department have outdone themselves. It's like they're fighting the FX marketing department for inferiority.

    Threw this album on a few weeks ago for the first time in years and it's still awesome. Plenty of albums that I liked from that era don't hold up or affect me in the same way. This one holds up completely.