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    I was unaware of that, now I have something to check out. Thanks!

    haha, that's great!

    It's so bushy and stiff it's like someone took a Christmas wreath and spraypainted it black.

    He's one of the most vile humans in show business. He's a colossal moron and a titanic jerk. If he weren't such a douche, I would feel bad for mocking his appearance, but good God is he a disgusting, slimy hog-man.

    haha, one of my co-workers has that book on the shelf in his cubical with the back facing outward. I'm surprised no one has ever said anything to him.

    That's the joke.

    He's the star of Torque and the upcoming Hot Tub Time Machine 2!

    I don't know where you're getting the idea that I think Metzger 'means' every piece of dialogue he's saying. That is indeed 'ridiculous'. I'm not being 'challenged' by Metzger; he's an asshole. I've seen plenty from him. He's not a 'random' comedian; I've seen tons of his tweets (dude fires out ten million tweets any

    Wasn't a big fan of Year Zero or Wilderness Heart, but for some reason I am pretty pumped to hear this one. Pre-ordered the LP a few months back, and I can't wait. Along with this, Carpenter's Lost Themes, Eno's The Ship, GBV, and Wire, April will be a nice month for music.

    I might have to go back and rewatch Waking Life. The only time I saw it (like 5-6 years ago), I hated it. I found it really shallow and boring. But I always see praise for it.

    Did someone photoshop Jim Gray's forehead? Dude's looking like Sam the Eagle these days.

    It was a time waster, plain and simple. I say this as a Johnny Cash fan. If I want to listen to him, I can just play his songs. If they didn't use this song, they probably wouldn't have even had the montage. It was dogshit.

    b) When consoling the bereaved relatives of an acquaintance whose funeral you were surprised to be invited to.

    You didn't address any of the guy's points. You cited one example out of dozens of, if not 100+, writers they have across all of their sites. But yeah, I'm sure you know exactly what you're talking about.

    Kinja is the only commenting platform that gives me pause in thinking about Livefyre as the worst platform on the internet.

    I don't know if you followed the trial at all, but Gawker's testimony from AJ Daulerio and Nick Denton was hysterically bad for Gawker.

    Well then his tongue is yellow and white for a different reason, haha.

    His tongue is disgusting. There's both yeast and sulfides on it (the white and yellow, respectively). For his sake, I hope he's been drinking heavily.

    'skid-mark of a comment' got a literal LOL out of me. Just thought you should know that.

    ha, that's the exact moment when my brain started dry-heaving. A few sentences later there was barf all over the inside of my skull. That whole second paragraph should kept by the phone at Poison Control call centers. I love Vikram, but this review was not a good one.