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    'Who the fuck would want a short'

    I've thought about it. I've seen plenty of him on Twitter and elsewhere, though.

    This is another one of those things that I am going to confidently not worry about, due to my arrogant and foolish assumption that by the time I'm old enough for this to affect me, science/medicine will have come up with a solution to it.

    I really want to like him considering the sheer amount of work he puts in, but yeah, this is part of the reason I generally don't watch his vids.

    Same here. I'm assuming he's using his more meat-headed comedian friends in Horace & Pete because he needs meat-headed bar patrons to act as a foil to his more level-headed and quirky friends like Wright. It was nice to see Tom Noonan as the piano guy in the latest EP.

    The widow Howlapp.

    If Henley hadn't said anything, nobody might ever have found out *any* of it.

    Tossing on to your list is Nick DiPaolo, who's so hyper-conservative that he recently got into a huge argument with Bill Nye about climate change on Anthony Cumia's podcast.

    Thanks for the info. The wiki I read was understandably light on certain parts and doesn't even mention animal torture.

    That's an excellent comparison. I actually went into You're the Worst expecting to hate it because of FX's shitty promos, and ended up loving it. I went into this expecting to like it, and just hated the characters too much and found them all to be meaningless cliches. Love is the show FX advertizing people thought You

    Wow, holy shit in re: Dean Corll. I'd never heard of him until last night when I powered through a few Wikipedia articles about some serial killers that were mentioned on a reddit thread.

    I still don't like his Netflix show though.

    Thanks. I try not to be a preachy dick about him, but people should know that he harasses women and has literally choked a woman before. Yet he's somehow in this and is a staff writer for Inside Amy Schumer.

    Agreed. It doesn't help that Kurt Metzger, who is a pretty shitty person, is an equally shitty actor. The guy in the red flannel wasn't any better, either. Maybe the debates would come off better in more capable hands, but for me, they've been pretty flat and uninteresting so far.

    I was feeling genuine emotions while watching this episode, which isn't something I normally get from this show. The only time I really got pulled out of the action was during the final camera sweep of all the dead zombies laying there. The only thing I could think of was Sweet Dee laying out and Frank eating his

    It was wildly superficial and unfair of me, but as soon as I saw them, I muted my TV and dicked around on my phone until they were done. Just their look said, 'you will not be able to get past their look, so don't bother annoying yourself'.

    I will never get tired of seeing Larry in tight wigs (like his mobster guy in the Scorcese movie on Curb). Just the sight of Kevin Roberts was hilarious to me.

    Even as someone who hates Zoolander and thinks the sequel is the very definition of 'unnecessary', I actually really liked Wilson/Stiller's appearance. They seemed to be having a lot of fun, which is what SNL should be all about (and something LD brought in spades!).

    Ha, Bernie's official Facebook page made that exact point this morning.

    As a Giants fan stretching back to when I was a child in the 80s, I would love this. My only stipulation is that they spend as little time on Rex and Rob fucking Ryan as possible. I'm not sure there's a coach in pro sports who gets an amount of attention so out of proportion with his actual skill than Rob Ryan. He