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    Live? They should call themselves 'Getting Closer to Death'!

    The Grapes of Wraith? Now why would he like a book about ghost fruit?

    haha, that was my entire class's reaction. I heard it as 'Ornithol' and thought he was named after birds.

    I would imagine lots of people did. I'm also 32, and they wheeled a big TV into my 7th grade Home Ec. class. I remember I was sewing a little stuffed guinea pig when the verdict was read.

    Iron helps us play!

    So awesome to see The Great Debates mentioned! I've been listening since the beginning and mentioned them a few times in these comments. I hope I had something to do with turning you guys on to it, but it was probably more due to the 'runaway freight train momentum' of the show.

    haha, he really is. I'm surprised an agent or manager hasn't just told him to shut down his Twitter account.

    Ah, shit. I thought I read somewhere that he got promoted to head writer. I should also mention that him writing for it shouldn't be an indictment of Amy Schumer at all, just of him. Just like in this situation, I don't hold anything against Louie for this. I just don't think this info is well publicized, and it

    He's very, very conservative.

    I think I read somewhere that there are going to be three episodes.

    True! But he's been friends with Louie forever and even lived with him back when they first started out. I've learned to just sort of accept him. Metzger, otoh, is baffling. He's awful at acting in addition to being a terrible person.

    Totally agree. The lib/conservative thing was pretty shallow. Alan Alda was excellent, even if his dialog sometimes was a little contrived. I liked Jessica Lange, somewhat understated (at least relatively speaking). Edie Falco didn't get much to work with, unfortunately.

    Totally agree. The lib/conservative thing was pretty shallow. Alan Alda was excellent, even if his dialog sometimes was a little contrived. I liked Jessica Lange, somewhat understated (at least relatively speaking). Edie Falco didn't get much to work with, unfortunately.

    I downloaded it and watched it. Not bad, very play-like in its over-dramatisation. If there's more episodes, I'll probably watch them.

    Honestly, I've always enjoyed Adam way more when he's part of a group, so maybe I'll give one a listen some time. He's gotten increasingly insufferable over the years and I'm sure a great deal of it is no one challenging him at all.

    "Carolla’s new legal chat podcast"

    "I'm having a hard time imagining Mike Francesca talking about sports with a twenty-something female anyone on earth without being at least a little condescending"

    Yep, she was nice and appropriately nerdy. I'll have to pass along to her that she has fans!

    I actually went to high school with Amelia. She was very nice, and her Facebook has been blowing up with support. iirc, appearing on Jeopardy was a life goal of hers. It's been fun watching her win, even though this game was indeed pretty awful.

    Yeah, I used to drive long hours for work (when podcasting wasn't even a thing yet) and blew through a few years worth of Loveline episodes via lovelinetapes.com. I would describe Adam back then as fun-loving and almost liberal in his politics (though he hated groups like the ACLU). Now he's almost fascist and it's