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    I don't think anyone listens to it, but this past week was 'Tell A Friend!' week on The Great Debates with Dave King and Steve Hely. Mentioned this podcast a few weeks ago, but it's basically just two writers (King most notably on Parks and Rec, Hely for the Late Show) having fun but spirited debates on silly topics,

    Stay safe, sir or madam!

    Yahoo comments on topics as benign as their 'Eat This, Not That' section (which are basically just articles about fast food) quickly devolve into extreme racism and baby boomer nostalgia (ie, light or unintended racism) on a regular basis, so I imagine a smoldering E-crater where news.yahoo.com used to be.

    For the last few commercial breaks (the ones past the normal hour of airing, so the ones after 11PM EST), I actually fist-pumped that it just went to commercial instead of having the credits roll to end the episode.

    It really is. I'm so glad I avoided all news about this show before it started airing. Each week is like an awesome surprise when a new actor shows up. Even though I did get spoiled with Bruce Campbell as Reagan, he was still great enough for me to get excited.

    Ahhhh, your post is the best. I came here to post something very similar. This part in particular:

    You see the ridic bounce on that hair?!

    One of the best baseball players ever (top 5 for sure), played for the Red Sox primarily in the 40s and 50s. When he died a few years ago, he was cryogenically frozen, only they decapitated him first and froze his head separately from his body. Google 'Ted Williams head' for more.

    Live a little, hammer that downvote. The rush is like heroin.

    The fact that she cracked herself up over such a juvenile and dumb joke is why I love her.

    In the brief split-seconds between 'according to' and 'computers', I almost thought that Mulaney was going to say 'The AV Club'.

    Ha, I was thinking that myself. Scott doesn't sound like he knows anything about baseball, though. I'm not too sure how many people outside of sports know about the whole 'Ted Williams' Head' thing.

    Yeah, I listened to it this AM on my commute (my Monday morning commutes are very long), and the parts about his Weekend Update interview went by pretty quickly. At one point, Michaels even marveled at how many little details Marc remembered. As in like, why is this still a thing with you?

    This was potentially the most bored I've ever been watching this show. In previous seasons, their stall tactics and wheel-spinning were somewhat new, but now that it's this far into the series, everything was so predictably boring. I checked out for a few minutes at a time in a few places. I barely know some of these

    If I had to think of a celebrity that would be on the cover of Golf Monthly, it would be Colin Jost. And if I had to think of a magazine that Colin Jost would be on the cover of, it would be People Who Look Like A Lamprey Quarterly.

    I'm enjoying the fact that Quentin is misspelled like fifty times in a row.

    The vocals and overall lo-fi aesthetic gave me a Guided By Voices feeling, which is very authentic for that character.

    Both it and Kirkegaard in general are considered something like 'proto-existentialism' (like Dostoevsky sometimes is), if I'm not mistaken.

    I have never listened to his riffs or licks. He talks a lot about the blues, and I find generic blues riffs really boring (I'm not a musician if that helps explain why) so I always check out as soon as he picks his guitar up.

    It's definitely hard for me to listen to a bit-heavy podcast when I'm doing any kind of work, too. I mainly use them for driving and for running.