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    Her conversation with Brad Garrett's character gave me chills and I thought he got scared a little.

    I might not be connecting this right, but I feel like Floyd or maybe even Peggy makes it out alive. Fargo the movie had Frances McDormand (Marge) and John Carol Lynch in sort of reversed gender roles (stereotypically speaking for movies/TV), with Marge also being calm, competent, and in control in her vocation despite

    I was sort of thinking that myself. iirc, 'Fear and Trembling' is largely about Abraham and Isaac, and Abraham 'suspending the ethical' and having faith in sacrificing his son, Isaac (and being a Knight of Infinite Faith). I'm too dumb to know how this connects to this EP, however, unless there's an Otto/Dodd or

    A few things it has going for it:

    who have boring jobs or long commutes and need something to pass the time

    Excellent observation!

    Just that Marc is severely uncool

    I don't know if it deserves or even wants a wider audience, but I listen to 'The Great Debates' every week. Basically, it's just two comedy writers who have known each other since they were kids (from what I gather) debating stupid topics. One of the debaters is Steve Hely, who has, according to his wiki page, written

    I always feel like I need a sincerity shower when I listen to this show.

    haha awesome. I just noticed up there that Rebecca wrote 'Frankensteins' instead of 'Frankingsteins'. For shame, Rebecca!

    PFT's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner was actually pretty impressive. I know it was a throwaway joke, but I would love it if Scott made every guest sing it before 'Plugs'.

    It's like a weird, condescending tone that makes it obvious that Sean is, as you say, saying the opposite of what he believes while 'Sean' is taking a firm, dickhead stance on it. It really is a perfect humor voice.

    One of the funniest HH's o' the year. The short riff on Eddie Murphy's 'Raw' had me howling like a jackal.

    It's actually a Magnetic Fields song that Peter Gabriel covered. Check out their awesome album 69 Love Songs.

    but I haven't encountered this level of hostility

    As Kubrick might say, Fuck that noise

    That is an excellent point.

    Yep. No bitterness in that response!

    Oh. It's because you're a bitter crank. Carry on, then.

    Yeah, I actually like the novel, but it's biggest function for me was explaining what was going on in the movie (like many, I saw the movie first).