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    If you were so fucking contemptuous of Stephen King's popularity, Stanley, why did you want to adapt his book?

    I'm talking about the side fence. There were no zombies over there. Also, barbed wire vs. swarming hoard of zombies is an easy choice.

    It's Nicholas' body being chewed up, and blood and guts gets onto Glenn, disguising him from walkers. Not a stretch at all considering the established rules of the universe.

    haha yeah, there is so much gold in his performance. The Warwick Davis thing, the constant active and accidental sabotaging of Ricky's career, and pretty much every scene with him and Barry are phenomenal.

    Merchant for me stole the show on Extras. Darren is one of the funniest characters I've ever seen and Merchant brought so much to that role. His delivery and physical comedy were outstanding (as was his interplay with Barry).

    Note to self: Drive up to Vergennes, Vermont. . .hypotize remaining police officer. . .and loot town!

    Alright, I'll do a lot count, for Pete's sake!

    Seconding this. He slid Molly's plate over to himself and ate her leftovers.

    That's part of why I don't find this surprising. No one ever seems to talk. It's sad.

    Same here. Also, since I was avoiding any news of this show like the plague, the seemingly never-ending cavalcade of stars was incredible. I was barely over my excitement of Michael Hogan before Danson showed up, then Offerman, then Plemons, etc. Throw in the vibe, the excellent cinematography (so tonally different

    One can hope!

    Harry Dean's back? Wow. He's almost 90, that's incredible.

    And Draft Kings.

    As dumb as that is, I heard a worse plan the other day. Granted, it was some dumbass citizen and not a Presidential candidate, but I was at a Mets game the other day, and the guy sitting behind me said to his friend, 'People should be mandated to carry handguns, that's the only way to stop all of these shootings'.

    If you avoid the big bullshit things like RSD, it's actually not that hard. Basically, just be on the lookout for stuff and also utilize Discogs. I buy lots of records, and use reddit subs to stay in the know. There's one for good deals (/r/VinylDeals) and one for release news (/r/VinylReleases).

    The 'Ehhhhh, WRONG' thing might have had me laughing more than anything they've ever done. Hayes bursting into laughter when the first comment said it was 'painful' to listen to was gold.

    Excellent (I did the same in re downloading), and good call. On this particular episode, Lapkus is Ho Ho, PFT is Werner Herzog, and Daly plays a French actor named Jean Claude Pepi, and there are a few callbacks. You've got lots of great EPs ahead!

    haha, I just listened to it a few weeks ago, too, at the behest of the fine commenters here at Podmass. As they suggested to me, be sure to listen to the beginning (at least) of the next episode as they discuss it a little bit.

    Up until a few years ago, I'd only heard of her because of her short-lived SNL thing (which was not really memorable at all). Her getting removed from the show might have been a good thing for her, as she's done quite a few excellent things since then. Too bad USA canceled Benched.

    If you haven't already, check out episode 338. Someone here suggested it to me last week and it's fantastic. A listener donated $5,000 (or, $36,000!!!!) to be a guest and to pick out a few of his favorites to be guests with him. Daly, PFT, and Lauren Lapkus are there and it's incredibly funny.