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    I'm going to squat on 'HuffingDogs.com'. People will visit it by accident, or people will be suddenly really into asthmatic dogs. Either way, I am going to be a rich man.

    haha. Surprised they didn't go with 'Shoppes' to add that extra layer of bullshit.

    I'm pretty sure the Hooter's closed down, as did Toby Keith's I Love This Bar And Grill (thank God). The mall now has World of Beer and Gordon Biersch, which are good mall options. The mall is insanely large now, and there's plans for even more expansion and a huge, 200-room hotel adjacent to it. Eventually, all of

    Amen to that. I was more barfing that these types of things are the only thing that comes to Syracuse or that the residents get excited about. When the Popeyes opened in the mall, there were 2 hour waits! Granted, Popeyes is delicious, though.

    The Sonic will supposedly be one of the biggest in the nation! barf

    Which city? I'm in Syracuse, and there's like 20 of them within 4 miles of my house. I just googled it and was blown away by how many more there were than I even thought.

    I'm glad you mentioned the Nightly Show stuff. She was just on a panel the other night with Bill Nye and he was talking about how important the 'Water On Mars' story is and she (and the other guy) kept interrupting Nye to say how she didn't care about it and was only interested in reality TV and sex tapes. Just the

    swaybelly321, with the listening fort inside of his bass drum. Nice setup.

    Right? I've been seeing this criticism a little bit. The 70s Muppets always had stuff like this.

    Now, to be frank, I'll take a theatrical viewing of a movie over watching it on Netflix any o'l day of the week.

    haha, I'm trying not to spoil it at all for me, but I have read a little bit about it, and most sentiments echo yours. Apparently the episode is pretty nuts and the guest guy holds his own. I'm saving it for my drive this weekend, and I can't wait!

    Ah, I'll have to go back and check it out. Thanx 4 the infoooooo

    Wait, there was an episode where a guy paid to be on?

    It was mentioned in last week's podmass, but bonus points to Maslany for recognizing the Tom Leykis voice and asking Chasmin if he hated women.

    haha, I think that's a big part of why 'Todd' is so funny.

    Not to overexplain a joke, but LL's word choice in that line is so perfect. Saying 'harder' not only adds a layer to the joke, but it also puts the second punch at the very end of the sentence. She is so awesome.

    The Euclidic Light Arc-estra! Old as Euclid, this band is. So old.


    Well, looks like you're right and politics is more important than ideology:

    I tentatively agree, but only because rape and rape humor are extremely important issues for the above-mentioned places. Anything remotely triggering is usually lambasted into oblivion.