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    I agree. As I was watching it, I thought to myself, 'wow, wait until Gawker Media and tumblr write about this'.

    I sort of agree with this. A lot of the jokes felt pretty lazy and obvious to me. Although, with the Donald Trump stuff, simply portraying it sort of is the joke. He's so ridiculous and awful that there's no need to (or maybe no way to) exaggerate him for comedic effect. He's already that awful.

    So, just the art pallet and Tom Hardy are preventing you from seeing it? I can't speak to the art pallet part (I'm assuming you don't like the colors or something?), but as for the Tom Hardy part, don't worry too much. Yes, his character is prominent, but he barely ever speaks and, imo, is an ancillary character to

    I wonder what the cost of medication is to cure bone-itis.

    I hate-avoid this show.

    According to the internet, he appeared last Friday.

    Impartial person regrettably offering his two cents here, but if you read all of Zoe Butcher's posts in this thread, it's a pretty reasonable conclusion that s/he's an asshole. 'Blaming someone for seeking legal action against their alleged rapist' is pretty much the baseline criterion for a first-ballot Asshole Hall

    haha, will do. Thanks for the heads-up!

    Arby's CEO: All Restaurants Will Have The Meats

    Well, that episode just shot to the top of my 'To Do' list.

    *spoilers*, but I completely lost it when they were talking about Timothy Treadwell and I think the Pope says, 'did he say the N word?!?'

    Groban likes his ladies to pop.

    David Comes to Life was awesome and is one of my favorite releases of the last five or so years, but everything else I've heard by Fucked Up has been hit-or-miss.

    Ha, that's a perfect description of this.

    Does anyone listen to the Question of the Day thing on Earwolf? I gave it a try because of Freakonomics, but bailed after a few episodes because James Altucher seems like kind of an idiot. I went back and read an AMA he did and it managed to decrease my opinion of him further.

    I think the Wompler EP got discussed a bit in last week's Podmass.

    blbblbbblb I hate men!

    Everything about her is fantastic. 'Mmmmmm, I looove fucking!'

    Comedy Bang Bang is currently in some level above 'Golden Era' right now. The Peaches/Claudia O'Doherty/Will Hines episode was incredible enough (seriously, Claudia O'Doherty is so awesome), but this morning's episode managed to top it, imo. PFT and Lapkus as Chazmin and Sunny were so great together.

    My favorite part of that is like right after the 'so I wondered' thing where he does this long, drawn-out, 'I go heeeeeeeeey!' just to amuse himself during the monologue.