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    I'd love to see a venn diagram of those two.

    Ever watched a baseball game on TV and it looks like the field is just covered with bugs?

    I remember loving it when I saw it in theaters, but on a re-watch recently, I felt the similarly to you ('narratively muddled, cliched' especially). One part that I found funny was that the robots are fighting and fighting and then only like at the very end does he pull out the gigantic magical sword thing that he

    Nice of FOX News to shit all over someone and tell her to leave the country for exercising her American freedoms to speak her mind, the same freedoms that FOX News jizzes themselves over when explaining how amazing America is.

    To this day, Alex Jones is the only man to make Piers Morgan look like a sympathetic figure.

    Your reaction is perfectly measured! I remember at last year's NY Comic Con, Marky effing Ramone was charging like $35 for a photo (and, weirdly, like $25 for a jar of his marinara sauce, which raises the separate questions of 'Marky Ramone has a marinara sauce?' and 'Who would pay $25 for a jar of marinara sauce?').

    You guys forgot the Reverend Horton Heat! I can't find the video for it, but in one of the Battle of the Bands episodes, his band wins (I think) and then at the end the band plays 'Now, Right Now'. As someone who watched this show in my early to mid-teens when I was really into punk, that performance stuck out the

    Off the top of my head, the pretty shocking transformation of Jake Gyllenhaal from Nightcrawler to Southpaw would seem to indicate PEDs. Maybe not, but it's crazy how different he looks.

    Ah! So it's the title.

    Is the Eno one OK, though?

    I just went through the lyrics in my head and I still don't even see the connection. Could someone explain that one to me? I also don't understand the Zombies one.

    It's one of mine, too! The little 10-second beginning, the powerful drums, the way it seems to move on its own. . .just pop perfection.

    The only songs I feel are really missing are 'Everything's Gone Green', 'Bizarre Love Triangle', and 'Dreams Never End', which might be my favorite NO song. The latter song would also help illustrate the divide Modell is talking about between songs like 'Ceremony' and 'World in Motion'.

    Are you talking about me? Because I'm not doing anything that you're saying. I'm speaking solely about the product and didn't mention the people that buy Apple stuff at all. I don't care who buys what. Jesus, calm the fuck down.

    Not to mention that this is still an inferior product. Their improved cameras are still worse than previous generation Galaxy cameras and 16 GB of storage coupled with the continuing lack of a microSD slot (which the Galaxy s6 insanely followed suit on) is a joke.

    Certain smartphones have an IR blaster on them. There's a few apps out there that will more or less let you control anything that accepts IR signals. I stay in hotels a lot and have needed this a few times. You can also change TV stations at sports bars if they're cable instead of satellite.

    You've screwed me again, Pennypacker!

    For pretty much every reposted ax7fan comment, my reaction is: 'How does he keep up with the news like that'?

    I'm hoping the movie version of The Martian can iron out some of the parts of the book that didn't really work, namely the dialogue and characterization (and the stale attempts at humor). The dialog in the book was like high school-level writing and the characters were one dimensional cliches almost without exception.

    It's like saying you're cautiously optimistic that Ronald Reagan is still capable of being an extant human.