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    Forget the unboxing, I want to see where the magic happens. To the Box Factory!

    'Cause it's on TV!

    Seeing Hardy dancing around like that reminds me of The Avalaches' Since I Left You video, which is awesome. So despite there being no connection between L&H and Morrissey that I can tell other than that this 'looks kind of good', I award this Great Job, Internet installment my highest grade: C+.

    I'm not quite sure this one is 'sexism', even unintended. It's probably more related to age-ism. A young, white male probably would've gotten the same treatment. It's also Yes, who seem like the nicest guys on earth.

    If anyone needs me, I'll be in my bunk.

    Funny that you mentioned DFW below, I was about to type out (and eventually did, as you can tell!) that the 'It gets easier. You have to do it every single day, but it does get easier' line reminds me so much of big Don Gately's latter parts of Infinite Jest. He's dealing with immense physical pain and is refusing

    According to their website, they're in NYC and Los Angeles now, so it looks like they're busy annoying people in at least two major cities.

    Without knowing who Morgan, Colling, and Gilbert are, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume they were 'heavy hitters'. All the best firms are.

    Yeah, they're from Rochester, possibly Buffalo (I'm too lazy to look it up). I didn't realize until very recently that people outside of WNY/CNY had heard of them. Now you guys get to enjoy them, too!

    Are Cellino and Barnes national? I live in CNY, but I've seen people mention them recently. Law firms are my favorite.

    doing another rewatch just to see if there's exposed vagina feels creepy.

    Take a measured approach, as my opinion is not widely shared. I like it because it's more personal, but it's definitely more abrasive and weird. 'The Dust' and 'Stadiums and Shrines' are excellent, but my love of it might have something to do with it being the first one of his (theirs) I heard way back when.

    Sunset Rubdown's first album (by far my favorite) has two of them: 'Snake's Got A Leg' and 'Hope You Don't Stoop to Dirty Words'. Two others, 'Stadiums and Shrines' and 'The Dust You Kick Up Is Too Fine', get re-worked on their second album, along with 'Snakes's Got a Leg' for a third time. 'I'll Believe in Anything'

    He's talking about how ridiculous all of Denis Leary's characters are, and how that ridiculousness is compounded by the fact that Denis Leary writes those characters for himself. I wouldn't be surprised if his character on Rescue Me did all of those things, probably in just one episode before the first commercial

    Wow, I didn't even know that was supposed to be a surprise. I thought they marketed it as a prequel.

    No, it's the children who are wrong.

    google 'curtis lepore'. I'm not sure if 'rape' is still one of his auto-completes, but ignore all of that for a moment and try to watch one of his videos. Then note that despite his videos being cringe-ingly unfunny, he's one of the most popular Vine users ever.

    God, I wish I could give this multiple upvotes.

    'Ex-Isle'? More like SEX-isle!

    'The king ordered it!!!'