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    Reminds me of Todd Barry on Chevy Chase's roast: 'It's not as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. It's as easy as looking at fish in a barrel. It's as easy as being somewhere near a barrel'.

    Well, it was on FOX news, and unfortunately, most of their viewers share those views about abortion. I guess it was FOX's way of trying to appeal to women without alienating their viewers, or to try to get a good quote out of Trump. Nevertheless, it's still mind-boggling that Megyn Kelly is the one who got flak.

    Los AVNs? ¡Imposible!

    I found it amusing that Megyn Kelly asked Trump some very legitimate questions about misogyny, was validated by Trump's immediate and subsequent (over the next few days) responses, and yet it was Megyn Kelly who got all the flak and was being asked to apologize.

    Los VMAs? ¡Imposible!

    I suppose this is a regional thing. I've rarely encountered a local pizza place that was as bad as any chain place. I live in the northeast US, though.

    What's funny is that according to his posts, he's been a writer and a professor for over two decades, which would put him in his 40s at least. You'd think the anger would subside as you get older.

    ha, I clicked on your profile to find out who you're talking about, and wowzers, that guy is hilarious.

    'Yeah, Levine. And I'm Jerry Cougar Mellancamp.'

    pfft, you just got like a Trapper Keeper full of appointments, huh?

    You better wait until 2099! We'll meet back here then. Is 10 AM good for you?

    Right, and ranking the 'Best Book of the 20th Century' in 1915 would have been silly.

    Well, that's why I wrote '_____' instead of anything film-related. I'm saying that it's silly to rank things 'by century' only 15 years in.

    Not a horror movie, but Nebraska scared me the most out of any movie I've seen this century. The ennui, blandness, emptiness, and meaninglessness of everything put me in such a foul mood for the next few days. Frightening.

    It's funny to me some of the weirdness of Earwolf podcasts. Everything about the production and stuff is always top-notch, but the mp3s themselves are unusually high bitrates (and therefore, huge files) and are pretty haphazardly labeled. The ID tags are sometimes all over the map. When I downloaded all of the UTU2TM

    According to Scott, the Android app was in development well before this launch of the iOS app. It'll probably be out soon as well.

    What's funny, and I would assume it's pretty unique to Earwolf shows, is that I actually like hearing the ads. Not only to give a short break in the action and allow for a soft reset, but the ad reads are usually great. I hope they keep them, as I love hearing, '. . .and I'll see you, never at the Post Office', '. .

    According to Scott on the earwolf forums, the Android app is in the works.

    Well, if he comes aboard, he'd probably only get fourth billing, as he'd be behind Greasenose.

    Well, sometimes there are hashtags involved in these tweets and jokes, so it's understandable that you don't know about it.