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    Short and hairy!

    Is this an episode of Jacking Around?

    So glad Tom Scharpling was back on HH this week (or last week). I hope he becomes a somewhat recurring guest. Also, they gave a shoutout to Podmass, which was funny.

    It's not bad, especially if you're still allowed to actually download new episodes, which appears to be the case. I usually only listen via downloading off of earwolf.com and then listening while driving, and I hope this remains an option.

    Yeah, I generally don't go to Deadspin unless it's some click-baity story that gets me, so maybe it's anecdotal, but it's pretty bitchy there. Craggs was the worst. I also increasingly dislike their writers, with Albert Burneko at the top of that list. Boy, that guy has some thin skin.

    You hit the nail on the head with all of that. I stopped going to anything Gawker-related after the Geithner thing (save for the occasional article I come across somehow, like this one). Just one gigantic echo chamber of college freshman competing to see who's more enlightened, with big doses of cruelty and arrogance.

    Turn 70 in her first year? That means when we elect her, she'll be. . .sixty-nineeeeeeeeeee *high fives*

    This, a million times. I wrote almost this exact thing to a friend this morning after reading a dumb gawker article. The top comment was from someone who said that he agrees with everything Bernie Sanders stands for but that it's 'fortunate' that he has no shot because, 'this country doesn’t need another white guy in

    I find this whole thing capricious and arbitrary!

    I loved Benched. Killer cast, great chemistry, just enough edge, consistently fun, and there was always a joke or two per episode that really landed. Plus, added bonus of eye candy with Jay Harrington and Eliza Coupe.

    That was my thought exactly. The only 'scary' parts of WWDITS were humorous.

    Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me.

    Are the forks made out of churro?

    I think it's an 'asshole' thing, and there happen to be lots in both categories.

    Hack your funeral costs by drowning in a bog or throwing yourself into a volcano!

    6 regular season, 1 playoff INT. 7 total.

    To immediately prove your point, I had forgotten that!

    I got curious enough so I checked youtube, and apparently it's the second version. Or maybe not, the video title is in Spanish and says 'dos versiones mezcladas, con otros bufalos', or 'two versions mixed with other buffaloes'.

    Go The Fuck Home, Internet.

    ha, I didn't know there were two. Whichever one was like sepia-colored and had Bono sitting on a bed singing to the camera and had a car with titties painted on the hood. It's a hazy memory as I was only like 10 or 11 when I saw it, I think.