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    There was a Mexican cartel guy who helped Llewelyn's mother-in-law with her bags. They'd been trailing Llewellyn's wife and m-i-l. She gave away Llewelyn's sort-of location (El Paso). I think in the book it's explicit that she tells him the hotel as well, but I don't believe that she says it in the movie.

    Wow, I did not know any of that. I love Wim Wenders, so I will definitely check that out, albeit hesitatingly.

    I liked that, too. The Scotts were at their best (when they were talking about u2-related stuff) when they were slightly mocking the band (like the whole MacPhisto thing, and the ironic phase), and I have a feeling that u2's music videos and such would be good fodder for that. Then again, the only video of theirs I

    Kudos to whoever it was that encouraged me to check out the Bobcat Goldthwait episode of CBB last week. I'm not really a fan of Bobcat, but he was a fantastic guest. He was so genuine and a pleasure to listen to. Loved that he was asking Frank Frank and the Country Singer questions to open up their improv.

    Their thing about friendship and their relationships being the reason they have stayed together was pretty cool. I hope it struck a chord with The Scotts. They need to keep podcasting, whatever the subject is.

    I really hope that they're not done with the show. I think U2's words of encouragement towards the end could mean more episodes. They could cover the European Tour or whatever they were talking about, plus U2 sounded like they're going to put another album out soon.

    I loved that the entire band seemed to 'get' I Love Films almost immediately. I'm not sure how much they knew ahead of time, but the way they all burst into laughter when Scott ended the first episode was great.

    haha, I think that was my favorite line.

    'Miss JoJo Coffeebean'? That's the worst name I ever heard.

    Wow, that really sucks. Judy Greer is fantastic, and imo much better than Nat Faxon (this is the first time I've ever seen his name; I know he's been in a lot of stuff, but the first thing I think about when I see his face is 'Beerfest').

    I have a three-hour drive on Saturday that I'm saving this for. The anticipation is killing me. I can't believe that I'm so excited about hearing an interview with one of my least favorite bands of all time.

    I don't know anything about this, but this seems like the best place to post this: NEW UTU2TM! Seriously, this episode looks like it will be super special. No spoilers, but:

    No, I mean you can't even go to the site.

    So you can pre-order a digital album (which = ?? Is there a danger of running out or something?). . .and also, you can't even click that link without being redirected to download and install iTunes. No thanks to all of this!

    Partially related, but I feel like pretty much everything on the internet is getting huge and tablet-/mobile-friendly. I use a laptop all the time and often I feel like I'm 80 years old with reading glasses on. Virtually all tablet-/mobile-friendly sites look heinous on a laptop/PC. A lot of them look awful on mobile

    A time-honored tradition.

    I've had it log me out before when I clicked 'Load Comments'. Good times.

    Ah, I see. Any time there's a long thread nowadays (only something like ~500 comments) and I minimize a few threads, Disqus starts going really slowly and it's harder to scroll. I can't imagine trying to load 97,000 comments.

    Yeah, it's only a touch over a year ago. Disqus came about in either the summer of 2012 or 2013, I think.

    Holy shit. 97,000 comments? How does that even work with Disqus?