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    The glass/pottery-breaking sound is one of my favorite little things in the new series.

    Cecil Fielder? He was a Tiger, not a Lion. Right city, wrong sport.

    Why not chug an actual Icehouse beer (which I suppose might be regional)?

    They're not, but that's not the point. They're not specifically searching for jokes, they're just stealing any and everything that they think looks funny. They call it 'curation' even though they rarely attribute anything to anyone. And, they make lots of money for doing it.

    Thanks for this. I had actually just read the wikipedia synopses (lots of stuff I missed; I recommend checking them out) and this is a nice iteration.

    Even just watching this, I can almost feel my guts spilling out of my asshole.

    ha, what opened him up most to scrutiny to me was his hold on the narrative, but I get your point. As far as drama, I assume you mean inter-personally, like added to make the movie dramatic? iirc, Lipsky spent a weird amount of time discussing the drama that he faced w/r/t DFW's family in getting the book published (I

    Not just you. I thought he sounded like sort of a dick, too. I attributed it to english not being his first language (I think), though.

    ha, no worries. I'm making a strained Comedy Bang Bang/UTU2TM joke. Scott Aukerman only has three grades for things: C, for average things, C- for everything below average, and C+ for everything above average (so even the greatest things of all time are still only a C+).

    both got a C+ from their A.V. Club reviewers.

    haha, parents are great at that kind of stuff. I remember my mom told me a year or so ago to come home and take all of my NES games with me because my dad was going to 'throw them out'. They were in a closet. I have a few hundred NES games, the whole collection is probably $1000+. I went home and got them and brought

    It's also used in 28 Days Later as the main charac is walking around the empty freeway.

    In my career as an imaginary arthouse director

    You don't sound pretentious. You sound awesome and alive. I feel the same way.

    God, St. Elmo's Fire is so great.

    I'm not sure if I never heard of this or if it just sort of breezed by, but I will definitely be checking it out now.

    Not a grudge. Just a warning to others that you can be pretty awful and rude and immature.

    The A.V. Club

    It's better not to engage this guy, like ever. I once had the gall to disagree with him about Fahrenheit 9/11's impact and he proceeded to call me every name in the book (especially puzzling were the accusations of being right-wing and a Rush Limbaugh fan; I am exceedingly liberal).

    He's Seinfeld2000's non-union Mexican equivalent.