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    And you're an anti-dentite!

    Someone posted about Newsradio in the WoT thread, which lead me to watch a bunch of Best of Bill McNeal youtube compilations. It seems impossible, but it seems like I always forget just how fantastic Phil Hartman was.

    I don't see much love for it, but I *loved* Almost Heroes. It was pretty dumb, but dumb in all the right ways for me.

    I remember accidentally seeing them a few years ago. They're rough. Feel so bad for him. I think the rosary in his hands got me the most.

    If you have a lot of time, I would actually suggest starting with Robert Walser. Check out some of his short stories (most are only a few pages long), then some of his longer works ('The Assisstant' and 'The Tanners' had a major influence on Sebald; 'Jakob von Gunten' is incredible as well).

    Yes. It's just as simple as this. He sweat a lot and had some social anxieties that would have been exacerbated by this.

    Yeah, I'm really glad they're going through a bit of a renaissance right now. They've been so overlooked for so long. So nice to see them get some recognition.

    This one displeases me.

    Oh yeah? That's honestly really good to know. I might actually check it out now. Thanks!

    I love DFW, but probably won't see this movie. The book had its moments, but they were pretty much only when DFW was talking unfettered. Lipsky seemed a little too into himself and set it up sort of as the two of them being intellectual rivals or something. It was difficult (for me, anyway) to see DFW really caring

    For me, fiction-wise, it's Infinite Jest (possibly my favorite recent fiction, along with anything by WG Sebald), followed by Good Old Neon and then any number of the short stories. The actual interviews of Brief Interviews weren't particularly great to me.

    Buy a cane.

    Is it a pit of your choosing or his?

    I took it as a warning of quality and quickly turned it off. Then I looked outside and saw the sun beaming down on the lush and verdant earth and heard birds chirping in the trees and immediately fired it back up.

    I'm seein' double!, etc.

    So it's not a Home Alone spinoff about the one character growing up to build a house out of Pepsi?

    Yep. I agree. I don't know if my comments were confusing (I'm sure they are), but I'm not condemning Louis CK. I should probably have used different language. I think it's possible that she was talking about Louis, but it's also not really my business who she was talking about (because she doesn't want to put a name

    haha, no worries. This is a pretty difficult situation. I mean, I sort of think it's Louis, but at the same time know that it's, as you say, totally unsubstantiated. I don't view him any differently and won't unless something comes out.

    My favorite thing to see here as far as grades go is the Critic's F right next to the Community's A.

    Yep. It was compelling for a while and I liked it (I remember hearing about her famous set on NPR and then buying it immediately when I got home), but then I started to get bored with the relationship stuff. I was checking how much time was left with about 30 minutes remaining.