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    Since I think Scott isn't a huge REM fan, I would sort of like to hear Adam try to get Scott into them, even if it's just one episode of Adam bringing a mixtape in or something, kind of like Analyze Phish.

    I was so surprised that neither of them made a joke on 'coming' after Scott said that.

    Just listened to that this AM. I think it was the first NNF episode I've listened to. Not bad.

    Had some good butthole talk as well. Adam's line about his doctor complimenting his butthole seconds after he was born was gold.

    I didn't really get that sense. Thematically, it would make a little sense, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves far too much to stop doing this. I believe early in the EP Scott actually said that they've been planning to do more episodes but that scheduling hasn't allowed for it. IIRC, towards the end of the EP

    Scott's selling of the tickets for way under face value was surprisingly touching. I don't know why, but Scott selling something to strangers for $175 somehow got me in the feels.

    Whenever I see headlines like these where some celebrity says something tone-deaf, my first thought is always, 'whoops'.

    Oh, God. Yes. Him and Max Read are so smug.

    If you read anything on Gawker with any regularity (like I used to; I like stuff like io9 and would venture to the main site), it's pretty obvious that the writers are very immature and inexperienced. It's like reading papers written by college freshmen.

    Ha, I am, and I am loving every minute of it. Ultimately, I don't think they will take any action and no one will get fired (even though they publicly engaged in legally gray matters), but here's hoping that they lose sponsors, readers (tons of commenters were upset that their critical posts were being edited and

    I just hammer the C-Stick for the Smash Attack.

    Wait, this premiered already? I was watching TV yesterday and a promo came up for this and it just said 'premiering this summer', which seemed pretty lazy and uninformative. No date given, just a vague, 'this summer'. But like, they could have actually written 'premieres tonight'. There's a definite day, and it was

    Hey! D'Arnaud should be back at. . .some point and then maybe Wright by late August. Mets will make a push, and no rational argument will convince me otherwise!

    They're sports awards that were invented solely to fill a calendar date after baseball's All-Star break. There's no NBA, NHL, NFL, and no MLB on that day. ESPN invented them to fill a gap in ratings.

    I will say that one other difference (which might not be that dissimilar from what I already mentioned) is that BB was very plot-driven. BCS isn't as much. You can enjoy the relationships and interplay and the 'suspense' of BB isn't as prevalent.

    Well, if your main criticism of BB is in relation to how the public viewed it, then BCS should probably work for you. Tonally similar, but much less hype. It's more understated but retains a lot of the stylistic aspects of BB. I find BCS a deeper character study and less 'action'; there are some genuinely

    Are the awards even necessary? Just mail every award to the Modern Family set. It would save everyone time, money, and embarrassment.

    So, outside of Denis Leary's wheelhouse, is what you're saying.

    Is his fictional band a trio with him, Joey Roll, and Jimmy Ampersand?

    I'm not sure what looks less appealing to me, this or Ed Helms' new Vacation movie. They're both up there with The Comedians as far as their Looks Like Dogshit (LLD) rating goes.