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    I clicked through to her website before commenting. It looks like she's been in a few productions at least. Either way, anxiety and nerves are horrible to deal with. Hopefully, Masterchef was a baptism by fire kind of thing and she's more able to deal with it.

    Yessss. Thanks for the news! Can't wait to listen to it on my long commute Saturday.

    Katrina seems like she's constantly on the absolute precipice of an emotional breakdown. She's nice, though, and I hated when Tommy mocked her weight.

    Definitely remember Elise. She was nice and not a snipey person. It was clear that others were more skilled, but she was a good presence on the show. I'm sort of surprised that she's an actor, however. She was the most nervous person on that season. I guess Masterchef is more nerve-wracking than acting.

    One of my favorites is from Hell's Kitchen when a customer comes up to the chef's station and obnoxiously complains that there's not enough pumpkin in his risotto (or whatever it was). Ramsay's off the cuff response was, 'I'll give you more pumpkin, and I'll ram it right up your fucking ass. Would you like it whole or

    They've traditionally come out on Wednesdays, no? Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

    Harmon would be great for it.

    There's so many to choose from. Huckabee, Jindal, Christie, Santorum, Palin, plus probably like 50 backwoods idiots that no one has heard of yet.

    Wow, I had no idea that the back of his fur has reached mullet levels.

    I have the opposite going on. I've never liked Maron as a standup (dating back to Tough Crowd) and found Maron to be boring, but WTF works for me. Sometimes I even listen to the opening.

    You're not alone in thinking this. I can't stand him. He seems to truly be one of those 'love or hate' kinds of entertainers.

    I've only heard a few HHs, but I'm definitely liking it more with each EP. They grate me a little sometimes when they're too like ironic or whatever, but them cracking each other up is great.

    I'm assuming it's some combination of ridiculous wealth, fanboyism, and a gaping, gatefold 12" record-shaped void in someone's life.

    Rant time:

    What I like even more is the labored way the Smithers pronounces 'Snrub'. The jokes are so stacked in that episode.

    This election is going to be awful no matter what.

    Sanders has a shot right now, but what's not helping him is how the media is treating him. Once again, a candidate who is outside the box (ie not staunchly Republican or Democrat) is treated as a total fringe candidate. The New York Times (a liberal paper!) practically bent over backwards recently to show how little

    The only reason I always recognize his name is because he was featured on an episode of Rock of Love, which is very appropriate.

    My only regret. . .is that I have. . .bone-itis

    It's I Love Films! Ah, Cuppola. Scoreseez. Other guys.