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    Is this an episode of Contrarian Opinions?

    Man, I used to loooove Cheap Seats. The Wrist-Wrestling Championship has been etched into my brain as arcane trivia. World capital of wrist-wrestling? Petaluma, California, of course!

    He makes Speedy Gonzalez look like Regular Gonzalez.

    I am unsure as to how it could be harder to find a distribution channel nowadays. There are tons of them. You could even forgo the entire distribution angle and just upload it to Youtube. Isn't that what Kung Fury just did?

    "He's so obviously talking about how it's harder to get smaller films made in today's environment,"

    Maybe the biggest movies are the worst they've been* but if he seriously thinks that there aren't tons of quality low budget movies**, then he isn't looking hard enough. Technology has advanced so much in even the last ten years that movies have become much easier and cheaper to make. ie, it has leveled the playing

    I'm not sure if I've ever heard a Conway Twitty song that wasn't part of a Time Life Collection infomercial, but somehow I still knew that it was a Conway Twitty impersonator.

    Weirder to me is the commentariat's sort of defense of the guy. He's dumb/bad, him losing the lawsuit isn't destroying artistic freedom, and he made a terrible video for his one terrible song. I agree with others that he probably deserves more indifference than anything, but if the AVC is going to have a 'hate

    Their 'money problems' are 'how soon do we buy the newest iPad? The day it's released, or the day after it's released?'. Their huge affluence and insular behavior are part of why the show became less appealing to me.

    I'm seein' double, etc.

    I think you mean Oscar and Pulitzer Prize winning comedian Todd Barry.

    It sounds pretty awesome. But what providers actually carry the network? I've never even heard of it.

    That's sort of what I was thinking! Seems so bizarre and weird in 2015 America for someone with a high profile to publicly tweet that.

    I like the way Tronald Dump thinks!

    Ugh, barf. Trump just gets worse and worse.

    I'm enjoying the fact that his presidential run—which exists solely to get him attention and money and grow his 'brand' because, realistically, he has zero chance of winning—is actively hurting him now.


    What's funny is that the number one comment on the only other article about him is also 'Eh, no Peg' complete with flush sound and studio audience.

    Just Because, Internet!

    Call Yev Kassem to the stand!