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    That tweet that they linked to is so weird. Like, why is he mentioning Jon Stewart's real name? Does he consider it an insult to 'out' Jon Stewart as Jewish (which it appears he's doing. . .honestly, I can't tell; like, do people not know that he's Jewish)? Is it an inside joke or something or does Donald Trump think

    You have excellent taste in music and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

    'A few of their songs have brought me as close to a religious experience as I've ever had.'

    Great to know. Thanks!

    'God, James is sweet, but he's so dumb!' is my favorite line of the series.

    Is there a Gangster Octopus involved?

    'My Voice' is so spectacular.

    Ha, same here in re: Franz. Sort of why I haven't gotten around to this yet. I have enjoyed Sparks' last few albums more than I've enjoyed anything of theirs since maybe even No. 1 in Heaven (which is 1979!), so I'll check it out soon.

    Boos and Hisses to Soundcloud lacking a volume control on their player. ffs. There's 'Like' and 'Share' buttons but no volume control.

    Is this an episode of Sick Burns?

    At about the 3:00 mark, Dawes makes an appearance, and suddenly this article makes total sense.

    No mention of Einzelganger? For shame!

    'Need for More Speed'? Another Breaking Bad spin-off?

    Do you know what a dome is? Have you ever been under a dome? Didn't you read the instructions?

    Alternately, you could go through the entire series and read the comments sections for the episode reviews here. Seriously, they're amazing and I'm actually glad I stuck with the show.

    I subscribe to both, but then again, I love the Criterion selection, so Hulu is justified to me. I also have Prime, but that's basically for the shipping discounts as I've already seen the HBO shows they offer several times.

    Yep. Hulu gets a bad rap, but it has current shows the next day after airing, plus it has an enormous selection of Criterion movies. It's totally worth it. $8.99 more for fucking Dexter, Quinn, and the Mystery of Batista's Hat? Come on, Showtime.

    Thanks for explaining things, anyway.

    Totally understandable. The show loses a huge amount of the humor factor without Joe around.

    "Those iTunes artists will still make money from other users before, during and after the trial."