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    Super OT, but are you still doing Masterchef write-ups this season? I think it was you in previous seasons, right?

    I take it to understand that the reason Apple wasn't paying anything to the artists is because of the whole trial period thing. I, as a user, could abuse the free trial thing, listen to an artist's work a bunch, then not sign up for Apple Music. The artist never gets paid, but their art is used a bunch. I don't see

    What's the conversion rate of TJ Truffleberry's output to US$?

    So I'm an idiot, but how are these two issues similar at all? Apple wasn't going to pay artists anything because it was during a trial period, ie they weren't making money, so they weren't going to pay the artist. This was shitty, and Taylor Swift mentioned it. The labels were the ones who agreed to this initially,

    So, no cell phone and you make mix CDs? I like the cut of your jib.



    I could see Bob Mould saying that.

    It's one of those moments where Scott makes a joke that you totally wouldn't expect him to make. He's usually the one trying to class it up a little and saying, 'Hey! This isn't that type of show!' so whenever he makes a crass or lowest common denominator joke it's so funny to me.

    Oh God, same here. Also, Zouks and PFT calling him out for his, 'And of course, big ups to people of all different… stars and stripes' quote was amazing. Plus, I think Zouks called him out for his habit of pouncing on a mispronunciation. So many good moments.

    I want to agree completely with this, but as a huge lover of Charlie Rose, I just can't!

    What's funny is that he normally doesn't appear to do any research and goes off the cuff. Sometimes it's impressive, other times he totally blows past something that a fan would love for the guest to talk about.

    And since I'd achieved all my goals as president in one term there was no need for a second.

    You mean funnier as in 'why is Obama spending any time, much less four solid hours, with a terrible comedian who has the brain of a college freshman'?

    Haha! It's always nice when an irrational hatred gets some backup.

    I'm surprised that Patton Oswalt hasn't written a fifty tweet screed about the Fat Jew stealing content that could be turned into an image meme that the Fat Jew could then steal and repost and get a book deal from.

    I like that 'Instagram's Top Comedy Brands' are people like @fuckjerry and @thefatjewish, who literally just repost memes and create (almost) no original content. Actually, wait, no, I hate that.

    In addition to being terrible, he's a huge hack and has been in some truly awful cash-grab movies.

    It offends me as a comedian!

    Is this like a family/baby boomer thing or something? My friends and I are all in our late 20s/early 30s and whenever any of our families (like parents and older relatives) come to visit, they always want to go to Applebee's or Texas Roadhouse or Olive Garden some other chain. Nevermind all of the awesome restaurants