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    I'm biased because I hate Billy Crystal (to the point where irrationally I wonder why or how he even has fans; he's never been funny and has barely any good credits to his name; the immense respect he's afforded is baffling to me), but wow, The Comedians is some boring, cliched shit.

    I like the ones where you think there might be a comments section at the bottom but instead it's a never-ending cascade of links to other article and there is no bottom of the page.

    Basically. One would think (or least drunken me would think) that a packed house to see the fourth installment of a huge franchise that has been gone awhile would be the ideal setting to start a bunch of stupid applause breaks. The nostalgia was palpable but the only time everyone erupted was when the (*spoilers*)

    I saw it drunk and kept trying to initiate applauses to no avail. The crowd did erupt into a raucous applause after it ended, though.

    As long as pretty people like Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are the faces of it, no one will be focusing on how dangerous and crazy it is.

    What's funny is that it's actually 'Pacquiao', not 'Paquiao' or 'Paquiano'.

    I have a feeling that they could make every episode of Modern Family about fart jokes and slapstick and characters slipping on conveniently placed banana peels and show uninterrupted, real-time, 24-style footage of any of the characters taking shits over multiple-episode arcs and they'd still destroy at the Emmys.

    Any kernels of truth in this comment were, to me, erased by how campy and obvious (and funny!) the lemon stuff was. You knew that they needed to kill time to have some kind of down-to-the-wire suspense thing occur, but having them fuss over lemon bruises as their required accessory to enjoy a wheat beer while Erlich

    Just watched it a little while ago and it was fantastic. I'm a big baseball fan, but it exceeded my expectations.

    I guess I can accept a little Jerry, if it gets me a lot of Elaine.

    that will debut in September in time for #themindyproject

    Why does Joey, the episodically larger of Matt LeBlanc's sitcoms, not simply eat Episodes?

    I'm sure you want it to be, but do you have the drive and determination to make it so?

    First you get the trophies, then you get the fillies.

    Arby's better get their Cowboy Hat into Jerry Jones' luxury box this season.

    I would think that hot dog-sized pepperoni tubes would be ideal for pizza from Pizza Hut, but then again, the price of hot dogs is like $3 a barrel right now.

    I first became aware of her a few years back when she wrote something like that for ESPN. Then she continued writing stuff that was dumb and would cause a stir. Lo and behold, she kept getting promoted and put on TV until they finally gave her her own show with Michael Smith. It's funny because she's not good at all

    I remember one day I was at an Arby's and First Take or First and 10 or whatever it's called was on a corner TV and they had a three-way split screen of Stephen A Smith, Skip Bayless, and Jemelle Hill. Infinitely worse than the three Beef n Cheddars I ate. Only thing missing was Colin Cowherd.

    I watch PTI mostly out of habit because I've been watching since the beginning and because it's usually still the best place to get all of your sports in a half hour. That said, the older I get, the more I realize that Wilbon is a massive blowhard and is getting worse by the year. His anti-stats stance is obnoxious,

    Sure it ain't strudel (they're nice)
    But it helps your balance on ice
    Puts you back on the winning trail