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    Tangential, but Einzelganger (especially 'Good Old Germany') and his stuff with Sparks (the album 'No. 1 Song in Heaven') are fantastic.

    The full title is 'Hold Me, Kiss Me, Fuck Me, Kill Me', right?

    Upvoted for 'Friends of P'! Love that song.

    If I recall correctly, the trailer for the shitty movie Rob Roy was included as well.

    Nightstand with Dick Dietrick! 12-14 year old me loved that show.

    My sleuthing and ability to deduce says that you're somewhere between newborn infant and 55 years old.

    I took it as his juxtaposition of old, incredibly white Jerry Seinfeld standing out like a sore thumb. I don't see any malicious intent, more of a hacky, 'Steve Martin in Bringing Down the House'-style observation. He's painting a picture.

    A-MEN. He's so ridiculously naive and green but seems to have no problem calling people bigots on the flimsiest of evidence and pushing apparent progressivism to its nadir. Case in point:

    To me, Colin Cowherd transcends normal shittiness and is so terrible that I'm baffled that he has genuine fans. They both play into the 'the guy you love to hate!' trolly nonsense, but the fact that people genuinely like him is nuts to me.

    There's that and then there's the baffling sect of men who are huge fans of his and call in and agree with him.

    Wow, I did not realize he was in his sixties already!

    I guess I never realized it before because I tend to skip a lot of the old, white dude episodes and have watched all of the ones with women as guests.

    Huh. Never heard that. He's had more women on recently, so I guess whatever people are saying is working or whatever.

    Who says that? I mean, the majority of comedians in general are male, especially older comedians that he would be inclined to have on.

    I'm shocked that anyone would go on 'The Herd' with Colin Cowherd. Good God, that is the worst show in the worst medium (sports talk radio) on earth. I say this as a sports fan, too. Five minutes of Colin Cowherd is enough to make you want to drive off a bridge.

    I think that's his point, that not even relatively clean and inoffensive Jerry Seinfeld wants to go to colleges.

    I think there will probably be two EPs of UTU2TM. Speculation on my part, but I believe the Scotts said something about recording one live at the show and I'm sure there will be another one to recap the show(s) that they went to.

    My favorite little detail of the episode was Bighead's cuffed khakis and white boat shoes. He has owned a boat for only a short time and doesn't care enough to pay someone to take his classes but he still rocks some sweet boat fashion.

    Them using his last name actually gave me pause for a second, so I wonder if the same thing happened for Tom James.

    'The Cloud Botherer' and 'The Pointless Giant' hit me hard in the funsack.