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    Oh, man. I forgot about cooking! But yeah, it's not a bad goal to have (a relationship, that is). The added benefit of nurturing outside interests is that you then have more to talk about and share with that potential person, and being able to share and encourage intellectual growth with someone is hot.

    I can't remember why, but I hated Vera Farmiga's character in UITA.

    You know, right after I wrote this, I decided to look up what other movies he'd made because I also did not like Up in the Air (as you say, the story was vapid). I couldn't find one that I liked.

    ha, I did get a house about a year ago, and you are right! The previous owner apparently fancied himself a fix-it man, but judging by all of the stuff I've seen that he worked on, he was not.

    I don't know if it was already mentioned here, but I heard an interview on NPR the other day with a woman who is raising money for cancer research by having to watch this movie. Originally she started it to see it once, but after hitting $10,000, she decided that she'll see it once per every $10k she raises. She's

    ha, I understand. 1) sometimes I watch things I don't like. Not really sure why. I've seen probably 100 or so Big Bang Theory episodes and I hate that show. 2) it's pretty critically acclaimed, figured I'd give it a second shot. 3) I like Jason Bateman, Michael Cera, and Ellen Page.

    Well I overbought!

    I'm going to spend the rest of the time between now and when @jyhopkins:disqus finally sits down to watch The Thing asexually reproducing through cell division so I can second, third, fourth, etc this comment.

    I just recently watched Juno for the first time in five or so years and, in addition to still not liking it, I was struck by how many goddamn songs there were in it. It was like wall-to-wall songs with almost no time in between.

    If you tweet at him, he'll almost always fav it. He's incredible on instagram as well.

    Your tea is ready now. This will solve your so-called tonsil problem. It's a special concoction. It contains crampbark.

    Caroline in the Suburbs

    What'll ya have, Norm?

    Think of a bunch of stuff you want to accomplish and then make a checklist and stick to it. There are apps out there where you can set daily tasks/to-do lists and reminders for yourself. Personally, given how access to information has exploded in recent years and how amazing some apps are, I've found myself with not

    Jam your life so full of stuff that you won't even want someone else. It's what I do, and honestly, most of the time the idea of a (traditional) relationship isn't very appealing because I just think of how much time one takes up, which is time I wouldn't have to pursue things I like.

    Or are you still decomposing?

    Better order up some car battery-sized blocks of cheese and a recliner with a built-in fridge.

    Even as someone who hates the Beatles, there are some decent songs here. But anyway, that German version of 'I want to hold your hand' is fucking awesome!

    I don't know where you got that from? That's not what I said.

    Excellent username/avatar. Triple check plus, my good man or woman.