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    Oh, God. Not livefyre.

    Something happened during the operation that staved off that infection. Something beyond science. Something perhaps. . .from above.

    I was eatin' a block of cheese the size of a car battery!

    I saw it again this week, too. Love the interaction with the same doctor that told George about Susan's death. Plus Elaine and Kramer both were all scratched up from Raquel Welch.

    I had their twitter page open in a browser, and as soon as I saw a little '(1)' in the title bar, I knew they had made the tweet. Saved time refreshing the page.

    If any of you bros and bro-ettes want to buy this, it went on sale about ten minutes ago (a touch before noon, EST). Get em while you can!

    If the internets are to be believed, Leonard Nimoy was worth $45 million. Seems like he could scrape together a few hundred thousand to make a movie about his own father.

    I may have to read the original book now.

    Hopefully it's somehow Aikman and Buck and the cops discover like fifty dead bodies in their carry-ons and the UK keeps them for some reason.

    How about Hans Gruber in Die Hard? Here's a guy just trying to be a modern day Robin Hood, spring a bunch of unjustly imprisoned political heroes, and then bring his best buds on a fun helicopter ride to a tropical paradise, when some fucking loose cannon with no respect for the FBI throws him off a Goddamn building.

    S154er Act: We Made 153 Others That You Loved, So Why Not Watch This One

    haha, yeah. I know it's the stock photo for him, but perhaps a different pic would have been better.

    Her birth name is Donna Changstein. There was an episode of Seinfeld about her.

    You fuck ONE Irishman. . .

    "Let them eat Letterman."

    Plus, aesthetically speaking, these jackets are hideous. If I was gifted one, I'd have sold it for a sandwich before I left the building. Added bonus would have been the boon to my already sandwich-heavy portfolio.

    Yeah, it's sort of tough to gauge which ones are going to sell off quick. They all look pretty awesome, though. I'm not even a fan of Hannibal, but damn if this release doesn't look incredibly cool. If I cared about Hannibal at all I'd probably try to snag one.

    Depends on the release, but their special editions usually sell out pretty quickly, at least recently. Even on discogs, they're hella expensive. Usually at least $35 plus shipping. More popular releases are insane. The cheapest of their Guardians of the Galaxy release I can find is like $80. Mad Max, Jurassic Park,

    I would only watch this occasionally, but I liked it for three reasons, two of which (the awesome guest stars and the faint nostaglia/change of pace vibe) were covered by the article. The other, which was stubbornly not featured in the article, is that my 89 year old grandmother liked it!

    When do the scrolls say this will occur?