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    Was this before or after she had one surgically removed?

    The cover will be made of lead, that's why it's so heavy.

    'E'? What about Turtle?

    God's Not Dead: He's Just At A Farm Upstate Somewhere with plenty of room to run around and play

    Excellent. I mainly kept typing because I wanted to pluralize 'Dices Clay' like 'Joint Chiefs of Staff'.

    I think I got your gist and think you did a good job saying something that could easily be construed another way.

    U talkin' 2 cells 2 ameoba?

    I tentatively agree, but throughout most of comedy's history, it wasn't really OK/acceptable (as far as society goes) for women to be doing 'raunchy' material. I mean, yes, it wasn't really OK for anyone at all to be doing it before the 60s/70s, but the number of 'raunchy' female comedians was absurdly low until maybe


    Man, what do you got against snow!? The ice caps are melting, people!

    Me and your mom have something else in common then. We also both love you and wish you'd call home more.

    My biggest takeaway is that Buzz Bissinger writes for Vanity Fair now.

    Sorry! I wasn't a Todd hater or anything, I just haven't really missed him.

    It's linked up in the beginning of this article, but here:

    I loved that and then later on when Gilfoyle said it. I was expecting it to crop up a third time, but it didn't.

    One of my favorite parts of the episode was when Richard tapped the car horn when Jonah asked 'Where's Richard?'. That and the 'why are you backing up? Just go straight!'

    I totally agree with you that she's talking about Louis CK. I think she reacted to that article and has praised Louis since the alleged incidents for two reasons:

    If anyone likes his appearances on Louie, check out Todd's comedy albums. He has four of them and they're all fantastic (if you like Todd). His special from a year or so ago called Crowd Work, where he went on the road with no material and just did crowd work, is great as well. I think it's available on Louie's

    Why do they call it 'homework'? You're not working on your home!

    Just wondering that myself. Something like,