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    I hate Billy Crystal to begin with (I've always found him broad, hacky/lazy, and completely unfunny) but I caught a little of The Comedians last night and wow, it exceeded my expectations. What a pile of turds.

    Oh wow, it was Jay Unger? I'm originally from the Catskills and have been through Ashokan a bunch. That's awesome.

    Yeah. To each their own and cool for him for being honest, but wow. That's kind of shocking.

    Yeah, this list is a little heavy on the later stuff (but it's in the interest of covering their whole career, so whatevs), but 'The 15th' is essential.

    Pretty accurate!

    Right after WheneverYouGetAroundToIt,That'dBeGreat,IKnowYouHaveALotOnYourPlate Rocky's albums hits the streets.

    With Ving Rhames as Pope Urban: I'm here to perform the Sacraments, mutha fucka.

    haha yeah, my friend warned me about the second season and I still was not prepared at all.

    Here's a super creepy detail not mentioned above:

    I think I'll go for the life of sin, followed by a presto-change-o deathbed repentance.

    Kinda surprised no one mentioned Danger 5. Has anyone else watched this? It's on Netflix and it's is ridiculous and hilarious. For fans of Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. Here's Netflix's synopsis:

    Damn, that's who he was. All I could think of was that he was one of the dickhead family members in Nebraska, but I knew he was from somewhere else.

    I don't know if it was mentioned above in the review or elsewhere, but it also sounds like Louie's voice when he's on the airport tram thing saying 'Stand clear of the closing doors!'.

    That's a right triangle, ya idiot!

    I hope that's super literal and his entire act is them wheeling out a futon that he rises from, to raucous applause.

    Yeah, that baffles me. This country has no shortage of rubes with dollar stacks too big for their pockets and a mother's devotion to pop culture and nostalgia. Like, make some money, CBS!

    Ehhhh, let the big muckety mucks figure it out, what do I know?!

    ain't no beef n' cheddar either

    So it's 'below average'?
    -Scott Aukerman