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    Pretty much all of 'The Sublimation Hour' or 'The Bad Arts'. So hard to pick.

    This is probably the worst place to say this, but I love your username/avatar.

    I have no idea why, but 'Shawn "JAY Z" Carter' made me laugh.

    I'm not a huge fan of performance art, but The Artist is Present was pretty great. She seems genuine and far less pretentious than people seem to think (which I am basing off of O'Neal's article and the comments from the other day, as well as the general feeling people have towards performance art).

    Every genre of things is 'mostly' terrible, no?

    Same here. Going through youtube and checking out all of the guests he used to have is fantastic. I mean, he had Captain Beefheart (non-musical appearances), Tom Waits, punk acts, etc. It's awesome.

    Kanye West should be given the honorary last name 'Saperstein', 'cause he's the w0o0o0o0o0o0o0rst

    Wow, is that Thomas Lennon as the cover of Agents of Fortune? Kudos to everyone involved in that and to Katie for using it.

    I like that this nice and engaging discussion was initiated by me hoping for Harry to have gotten diarrhea and for us, the viewers, to be witness to it.

    That info should be crammed into this headline and will hopefully be embossed on his tombstone some day.

    ha, yeah. whoops! But seriously, Gawker is the wo0o0oooorst!

    Well, it's sort of nowhere near that. Gawker is driven by knee-jerkily judging people (celebrities or otherwise) and attempting to excoriate them publicly. Some sites run harmless clickbait, Gawker runs destructive and terrible clickbait. The Louis CK thing was based on like fourth-hand info that was not substantiated

    pfft. . .more like 'alleged' behavior that you are purposely taking out of context!!!

    I was hoping that some element of Pete's cookies was undercooked or something and that there'd be one fleeting shot of Harry Crane firing out some napalm in the men's restroom.

    Team Discovery Channel!

    Call Yev Kassem to the stand please!

    Between that and all of the mods that people can run, I almost wish I had it on PC.

    It's the diarrhea you love to hate!

    I decided to click on his 'long dormant' blog, and he has a post from January there. Four months might be a long time in real life, but in blog years, that dormancy is in the zygote stage.

    Now that was a wicked googly!