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    haha, I took her hating The English Patient as her being smart and not buying into the hype surrounding it. But then again, I've never seen it. Even reading your typing of her dialog made me literally laugh out loud.

    She was head of a huge company and was exceedingly smart in the first 5 or so seasons. She frequently would chastise the rest of the guys for having stupid conversations.

    What? She was smarter than all of the other characters. Her IQ was in the 150 range. George and Kramer were far dumber than Elaine.

    I would like to know if Uncle Buck is here to fuck.

    'Not the Farbman!!!!'

    'someone' says, "Everyone hates you"??? That's world-class comedian and Oscar-winning actor Todd Barry to you, bud!

    I just watched this, and didn't quite understand it at first. I had to read the comments. One of Ryan's early rhymes is about passing a 'stone'. Colin actually says 'He put my stone back in my end'. Which: good friend, indeed.

    It's too bad they nixed the prequel where Ford's character missed the cut at the Master's and has to become a submarine captain. That's right, it was called Subpar.

    So are you going to tell me if "Why Would Anyone Bring Up That Classic 'A Different Thing All Together' In A Discussion About Submarine Movies?" is any good or just mention it? I've been meaning to check it out.

    Is it possible for something to 'reek' of 'good influences'?

    So their American mothers have Hep C while their British ones are ugly? Sounds right.


    Ah, OK. I'm going to credit to the show for being subtle enough that I didn't pick up on it, rather than focusing on how I missed it!

    Another case in point is R. Kelly. People (somehow) like his music, so aside from more or less light-hearted mockery, he generally gets a pass. Dude has been accused of rape many times by women as young as 15, yet there he is playing huge summer music festivals. It's gotten a little better in the last year, as he was

    He really is. Even his facial expressions when he's not talking are great. There was a moment a few EPs back when they were mocking Mike's mustache and they showed Dunn for a half-second and I audibly laughed at his expression.

    I haven't really thought about it, but are Sue and Kent actually banging? I was sort of under the impression that he was pursuing her in his awkward way and she was playfully/coldly flirting back. Like in a 'not right now, but keep working at it because it's cute to watch' sort of way. It's very possible that I zoned

    It's also not like he's doing a 10 minute set. He's reading like 7 jokes. You'd think he would memorize as many as possible (and trying to for the ones that are written last minute). Maybe he is memorizing them and getting flustered, but I don't really recall him flubbing on TDS.

    Did she? I was sort of wondering that as I watched. Louie didn't seem like he was acting when he was struggling against her.

    I like the idea of Mikey Deathwish driving around with a bag of turds that he will kick so hard that they go 'into' anyone who disses some shitty band on the internet.