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    Thanks for the info. Didn't know he and Harris were that close until the past week or so. Coincidentally, I just listened to their Analyze Phish episode this morning.

    What's been going on with him/it? I haven't been keeping up.

    I am, and did not know that. Thanks!

    Couldn't that be Smarch 13th?

    Yeah, see, you're still totally misreading everything. Again, I'm not at all taking pleasure in the story itself. Reread my posts. In my first post I even asked if I'd been living under a rock or something, as a singular murder trial in Texas is definitely not a big enough deal to be a breaking news bulletin in a city

    No. I am expressing shock that a small news story in Texas is getting a Breaking News Bulletin 2000 miles away in my hometown, which has zero connection to the story. Please read before throwing a hissy fit.

    I think you've misread my post.

    haha, that was my exact reaction. I was like, come on, I'm trying to watch what happens to Donna (or Tom, I can't remember what time it broke in)!

    Carsastic Entertainment News Aggregate is John Cena's podcast about SARS.

    I shit you not, they put a breaking news bulletin chyron on during the series finale of Parks & Rec for this when the verdict was announced. For the record, I live in Syracuse, NY, ie nowhere near Texas and there is no connection between Syracuse and this story. I must live under a rock because that seems like

    I barely come here anymore and I'm largely forgettable, but I'd like to say, as a random and anonymous person on the internet, that through reading the little bits and pieces that I see you post here and there, I think you're swell.

    Huge time-waster (but then again, what isn't), but plugging these addresses into google maps street view is kind of fun. Apparently, they were building something on the Pit location behind Ann's house when the pictures were taken.

    Well, I don't really care about the 'trouble' part. I'm just talking about how he seems as a person. I would feel sorry for a grown adult who can't seem to handle social interaction. Except he's also a huge dick, so it's much harder to feel compassion for him.

    If he wasn't such a jerk all the time, I would feel sorry for him. He acts like a petulant child all the time, like the social portion of his personality is suspended in a coddled and spoiled pre-adolescence. He's a grown adult who still bickers with people and mocks grammar and uses sub-middle school taunting. It

    A true sign that something will be utter dog shit is it's proximity to that greasy guy from Whitney. He probably drives an Aztek.

    I started tensing up big time at around 2 minutes when he's jumping and weaving through the baseballs. Tool-assisted or not, it's a fun watch.

    I had BK's poutine in Niagara Falls a few years back and it was indeed tasty. I live in central NY and this was about 4-5 years ago, before poutine became a 'thing' here. I was in NF and it was late and I just wanted some. Like I said, very tasty, possibly the best thing I've ever eaten at a BK, aside from maybe the

    Same here. I noticed it because I started clenching when Saul was ascending the ladder (I feel like the older I get, the more heights bother me). I figured maybe it'd have something to do with Jimmy getting a lawsuit out of some safety code and then it all clicked together.

    No, just his voice and laugh and general ignorance and teenage-level philosophizing. It's wildly subjective of me as it seems like everyone loves him, but I find him very annoying.

    Astonishingly enough, I remember exactly who you're talking about. His name was MovieDynamic. I know because I've been going to Sporcle very regularly for over five years and in the early days, there weren't a whole lot of users. MovieDynamic would post in every thread even remotely related to movies and do as you