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    I can't stand Pete Holmes, but his 2nd episode with Harris is great [edit: just realized it was name-checked above; sorry! but here's the link]. Just finished listening. Harris is open and honest throughout. He'll be missed sorely.

    Good points all around.

    I guess me and 2002 Rob Mitchum from Pitchfork have opposite opinions about Skinner's delivery. I like the fact that he rapped genuinely and didn't affect a 'rap accent' complete with stereotypical flow.

    I guess me and 2002 Rob Mitchum from Pitchfork have opposite opinions about Skinner's delivery. I like the fact that he rapped genuinely and didn't affect a 'rap accent' complete with stereotypical flow.

    'We Wrote an Article About Incredulity, And You Won't Believe What Happens Next!!!'

    Came here to say this exact thing. Saying that 'objectivity needs to die' is the same thing as saying that we need more news like FOX, CNN, and MSNBC. We don't. Stewart's subjectivity and presentation is a reaction to how shitty and subjective our news already is. He's not calling for more subjectivity, he's

    That's always my biggest disappointment with the commentariat (not having deeper discussions/news like this getting the superficial 'mockery-snippets' treatment in the comments), but such is life. But don't get me wrong, I love the silly jokes.

    I don't understand how someone with functioning ear-holes (who likes GBV, no less) could say that, but whatevs haha. 'Supermarket the Moon', 'Crocker's Favorite Song', etc. Egads, man!

    I hope you're talking about the Director's Cut of Bee Thousand!

    Nothing can make Crash look like a worthy winner, even if years later it is found to contain secret and simple da Vinci Code-style instructions to help humanity achieve total human peace.

    I don't have much to add except that I enjoyed this little discussion here. I didn't like Boyhood very much, as I found the storyline and characters cliched/boring/2D and the acting atrocious in many places (I mean, for an 'epic' movie that spans 12 years, most of it felt remarkably shallow and rushed), but overall, I

    Totally agree. Even aside from the political messages and supposed ruminations on war, this movie was cliched horse shit. Oh cool, a scene where they do a bunch of shots while they're flirting and the woman is trying to prove her mettle. Awesome, a scene where he wins her a giant teddy bear from a carny on a New

    Yep. Article is wildly overstated, but then again 'page views' so whatever. Sun Sessions is absolutely essential as is one of the career-spanning hits albums (I think '#1s' is a good one). Both of which you 'need' more than the album that this article is about, but why not get them all and the ones you mentioned as

    I did not watch this episode yet, but after reading the first paragraph, I am blown away. Leslie Jones is 47?! I guess I never really thought about it, but I totally would have pegged her in her early 30s at the oldest.

    The fact that he reads audience tweets, in addition to sounding horrible, seems hyper-lazy to me. Basically. . .he's reading other people being funny? Awesome, let me watch this special!

    I don't find this at all strange, but I'm glad Netflix is paying attention to what their customers do on their service. Makes me feel like the immediate 'one-star' rating I gave Doug Benson's new comedy special feel worthwhile.

    Me, too! So good.

    Both from the article and the comments! I expected to see the full quote as the top-rated comment. You're slipping, commentariat!

    This song is terrible, but the first 3/4 of this album is great. 'Rusholme Ruffians' just might be my favorite Smiths/Morrissey song.

    Petty should also be in line to get royalties from DC Comics for being the hair and face inspiration for 'Scarecrow' on Batman: the Animated Series.