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    ha, no idea why I typed 'Nasid'.

    Ah, yes. I forgot that Lorne likes the cue card look. Good point about the up-to-the-minute re-writes, too.

    Will do!

    Also, it hurts my heart to see that idiot Jason Segel dressed up like my
    favorite writer. Go back to your sitcom you fucking twat.

    Dang. The first time I read it, it took me a month+. Second time was more like 2 weeks. As you say, it's not nearly as difficult as people suggest.

    As a further note, Michael Schur (co-creator of Parks & Recreation and Brooklyn Nine-Nine) directed that video. He apparently did his Harvard thesis on Infinite Jest.

    Che could be a lot better if he just memorized his jokes instead of reading them. He only says like 5-10 per week, I don't understand why he needs to read them, especially since reading aloud seems to be an Achilles heel for him. How hard is it to memorize some jokes? He's a stand-up, I'm not sure why this is so

    imo, his mouth and teeth make him look like a mixture of a lamprey and a viperfish, but if Twitter is to be believed, many women find him very attractive. He's dated Rashida Jones and Nasid Pedrad as well. I guess 'Human Butter Sandwich' is a look that's coveted.

    Seriously, what the fuck is your problem? Moore and Maher are assholes, Maher is 100% a misogynist and borderline bigot, and you seem to be a titantic asshole yourself with no grip on reality.

    Dude, how old are you? Were you even alive when Fahrenheit 9/11 came out? Moore is neither groundbreaking nor important. He's a propaganda machine only out to make money and court controversy. Case in point: he's currently in the news for comparing Chris Kyle to James Earl Ray. He's a joke.

    Michael Moore did not change the conversation with his documentary, nor did he get it started. If anything, it further entrenched people in their own positions. It's polemical propaganda, it's biased, it's silly.

    But do you know why it's so easy for his critics to focus on all of the truth-bending and half-truths and tenuous statistics? Because those are the tactics that he chooses and, imo, they're shitty ways to get his points across. His main points are pertinent and accurate, but no one is going to pay attention to that

    Wait, what? You've never heard a compelling case for how inaccurate his movies are? I'm about as liberal as they come, but come on, the man makes borderline propaganda. Maybe I'm bending the definition of inaccurate, but Moore definitely fudges the facts.

    I would've guessed 70s porn. Like two 70+ aged people going at it.

    I just barfed in my mouth a little.

    Considering that there are so many fucking people who like feet to the point that nearly every female celebrity on the planet has 'feet' as like their second autocomplete on google, I'd say that yes, there are people out there who actually like a very famous and mainstream comedian.

    The Log Lady and Andy Rooney's eyebrows fucked in a vat of Family Double Dare ooze.


    This. I've yet to see a 'subscription' vinyl service that wasn't hideously overpriced. If you collect vinyl, take that $175 and head on over to discogs or ebay or your local record fair. You can get 10-15 records of shit you actually definitely want instead of maybe 2-3 things you actually want bundled with the

    My favorite charge is 'menacing'. I don't know what the actual charge entails, but based solely on the word, I would think that like 'fourth degree menacing' would be like giving someone a dirty look as they see you walk past their house.