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    You should watch it. I was skeptical at first because it's a sitcom on the USA network, but seriously, it's great. Not ground-breaking or anything, just genuinely funny and light with a funny cast of characters and quite a few notable comedic actors.

    I wish I could upvote this a million times. Koenig is by far my least favorite part of Serial. The affected 'casual narration' is a perfect way to put it and it's part of why I hate Ira Glass as well.

    Agreed. imo, Charlie Rose is the hardest working man in show business (seriously, he is so well-versed in whatever his guest's forte is while also now hosting a morning show; he's amazing), but it never feels like 'work' when he's talking to a guest.

    You're right about the interviewer stuff. To me, him and Charlie Rose are the best in the business—Rose for the informative and cerebral interviews (with a mix of humor), Ferguson for the humorous and entertaining ones (with a mix of cerebral).

    I love Jamm. He's cartoonishly weird/awful in a vintage Simpsons-era townsfolk kind of way.

    This is the key, to me. There are many moments in this particular special when Burr calls himself a moron and also acknowledges that his beliefs are probably stupid. It's like giving his opinion without being preachy at all. It's a tightrope, but he walks it well in this special. Plus his use of the stage and

    *stares forlornly into a slowly zooming camera until the lens enters the mind and emerges inside of an exploding fucking star*

    'cats in the cradle' by Harry Chapin, oddly enough pared down to a lean 2 min 58 seconds.

    Thank you. I don't even watch this pile of shit but now I'm already looking forward to next week's comments. I may even watch this episode to see if Will Macavoy will pilot a schooner directly into a hurricane.

    Apologies if it was reviewed elsewhere, but did anyone else watch Bill Burr's netflix special this weekend? It was great. Excellent, self-aware, honest material with some good use of the on-stage equipment and bits of hilarious physical comedy. Highly recommended.

    Woah, whattttt. So glad someone took that decision away from him. Jesus that would have completely destroyed the finale.

    While the racial discussions might have been 'sanitized', for a dumb white kid living in the country (surrounded by white people) with no cable or internet in the mid to late 90s, this show had a pretty big impact on me growing up. The earlier episodes were more focused on race/class issues and black identity, but

    I don't but the gist of it was that Patton made a joke about how Cosby moralizes about working clean in his standup and yet he has all of these rape allegations. Meanwhile, Redd Foxx worked blue and 'proceeds to not rape anyone'. Norm said to separate the art from the artist and posited that the man's words still mean

    Yeah, but isn't that the character's fault (ie the way she's written) rather than Pedrad herself?

    I don't follow him on twitter because he can be really sanctimonious, but he showed up in my feed over the weekend because he got into a dust-up with Norm Macdonald over the Cosby thing. The condescension he displayed towards Norm (and they're even friends!) was ridiculously off-putting. Nice to see that his 'time

    Nice. Make a ridiculous and sweeping (and fundamentally stupid) statement about TV and anti-heroes and when asked to explain/defend it, you revert into ironic distancing and trolling. Have fun worrying about society crumbling because some fake guy on TV sells meth to another fake guy on TV.

    Oh, so you're just a trolling idiot. Nice.

    haha, I thought so. So she got hit by the car, the gang hatches and implements their barter plan, tracks down and kills Bob 2.0, theres all that drama about whether or not Carol should live, Beth steals the medicine and gives it to her, there's the cop drama and the elevator thing, and Carol wakes up and is seemingly

    I agree. Zack mentions up there that the car scene reminds us that Rick isn't 'as nice and cuddly as he used to be'. Does anyone need that reminding? Rick's been in like borderline psychopath mode all season. imo, that's the whole point of the priest character. He's an outsider looking in at these people (esp Rick)

    When Rick was negotiating with the two cops, didn't he mention that Carol getting hit by the car was only like a day ago? I'm not sure if I understood him.